Remember when Isaiah wrote about the people’s eyes having been - TopicsExpress


Remember when Isaiah wrote about the people’s eyes having been blinded and their hearts hardened, it was they themselves by their own error in materialistic action and neediness had obscured their God given faculties of intelligence and feeling rendered themselves incapable of apprehending the manifestations of His presence and the workings of his universal laws in creation. It was then handed down from generation to generation. I know that Jesus realized within His physical self the “Christ consciousness” (The Only Begotten Son of God) through the Immaculate Conception of the spirit. It was in this realization of the Christ consciousness and behind that was a cosmic consciousness which Jesus tapped into within His meditation. Jesus went up the mountain often, which I now know was the bringing of his focus to the higher ground. This is where he rested in the universal consciousness of his Father within meditation. Remember His words “I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE” when He realized His true nature (Christ consciousness). He started to be freed from the delusion and misery into the eternal light of God’s Kingdom. To expand your consciousness, blend your energy with that of the spiritual world and it would be wise to be desirous of this practice. Desire creates attraction and like attracts like. In the coming years, many will be anointed with the Baptism of Fire. To explain Baptism, Jesus uses the story of the Bride and the Groom at the marriage of Cana. I believe and have realized with in myself as truth that this was the descending masculine and feminine dual force melting at the heart and creating a Diamond heart consciousness where all facets of the diamond are pure, immaculate and of the one energy which is LOVE. It is as the bride and groom unite in a mystical union and divine conception takes place, wherein the spiritual embryo is conceived and the infant Christ child is born around the pure self within the soul. I have experience this as the masculine force descending and the feminine force arising and expand the heart and the ability to LOVE. Love unconditional becomes a mind set. So all life is on a journey remembering the immaculate concept of the eternal pure soul within us all and our wisdom will drive us to reveal our truth so that within the process of awaken, more and more people will support a new paradigm of existence. Christ consciousness is the birth right of everyone. “I AM THAT I AM” creates you, sustains you and dwells within you as the pure self. The purpose of life is become the Christ child within yourself. Be gentle on yourself be kind with your thoughts about yourself. Know that you are doing the best you can and that you choose to only entertain only thoughts that produce good feelings. While I was grown up I used to say am doing the best that I can do for now. Then grow into maturity and reside in the kingdom of heaven. Heaven is a state of consciousness as a true son and daughter of God and Goddess. Inner dimensionally in the region of your heart, the divine spiritual embryo is conceived. The Christ child is really born in you and is pure and immaculate. It is the delusion of your fear thought which is your error. With focus practice and determination as you meditate, you will feel the mother and father forces merging within you. You do not know the hour or the time when this beautiful experience will come. When it does come, your genetic code will undergo change. What Science called “junk DNA” will start to be activated in the body will receive new wisdom of the immortality from “I AM THAT I AM”. The weary traveller will have returned home just like Prodigal Son in Jesus story.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 23:41:11 +0000

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