Remember when Nancy Pelosi said this?? Now you can see why they - TopicsExpress


Remember when Nancy Pelosi said this?? Now you can see why they wanted to rush this crooked bill before Scott Brown was sworn it!! It all makes sense when you read this. You can see the panic in Pelosis face... Time was running out!! WHY OBAMACARE MUST BE REPEALED. NO LAW OF SUCH CONSEQUENCE HAS EVER BEEN PASSED IN AMERICA WITH SUCH TRICKERY AND MALICE! HERE ARE THE FACTS: OBAMA DEMOCRAT LAP DOGS PASSED OBAMACARE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT ON CHRISTMAS EVE... WITHOUT ONE REPUBLICAN VOTE AND BEFORE HARRY REID SWORE IN SCOTT BROWN!! READ AND KNOW HOW THEY DID IT!! A Look Back At How The President Was Able To Sign Obamacare Into Law Four Years Ago Recall just how crooked evil conniving coincidences the Democrats put into place with the help of HARRY REID for the OBAMACARE MONSTROSITY .. or Affordable Care Act (ACA) to pass both houses of Congress and gain President Obama’s signature. These are the facts!! The U.S. House of Representatives was safely Democratic as a result of the Nov. 4, 2008, elections by a margin of 257 – 199; the Democrats had gained 21 seats from the 2006-07 Congress. The real interesting ACA political dynamics began during the November 2008 U.S. Senate elections. Going into the 2008 elections, the Senate consisted of 49 Democrats, 49 Republicans, and two Independents (Joe Lieberman of Connecticut and Bernie Sanders of Vermont) who caucused with the Democrats. When the smoke cleared from those elections, the Democrats picked up eight seats to increase their majority to 57-41 (although Democrat Al Franken’s recount victory was not official until July 7). With the two Independents, the Democrats were one vote shy of the supermajority magic number of 60 they needed to ward off any filibuster attempts and move forward with broad healthcare reform legislation. But on April 28, 2009, the dynamics changed when Pennsylvania Republican RINO WHORE Arlen Spector was bribed into changing parties thus giving Senate Democrats that coveted 60th vote. Now the Democrats had a safe majority in the House and a filibuster-proof supermajority of 60 in the Senate. That scenario lasted only four months before fate intervened. Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts died on August 25, 2009, leaving the Democrats, once again, with 59 seats (counting the two Independents). Exactly one month later, on September 25, Democrat Paul Kirk was appointed interim senator from Massachusetts to serve until the special election set for January 19, 2010 – once again giving the Democrats that 60th vote. But the intrigue was just beginning. With the supermajority vote safely intact once again, the Senate moved rather quickly to pass the ACA – or ObamaCare – on Christmas Eve 2009 in a 60 – 39 vote (Kentucky Republican Senator Jim Bunning chose not to vote since he was not running for reelection). The House had previously passed a similar, although not identical bill on November 7, 2009, on a 220 – 215 vote. One Republican voted “aye,” and 39 Democrats were against. There didn’t seem to be an urgent need for Democrats to reconcile both bills immediately, because the Massachusetts special election (scheduled for January 19, 2010) was almost certain to fall to the Democrat, Attorney General Martha Coakley. After all, no Republican had been elected to the U.S. Senate from the Bay State since Edward Brooke in 1972 – 38 years before! But in yet another twist of fate, Republican Scott Brown ran his campaign as the 41st senator against ObamaCare and shocked nearly everyone by winning the special election by 110,000 votes. That left House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Obama in a dilemma. Everyone assumed that the Christmas Eve 2009 Senate bill would be tweaked considerably to conform more with the House bill passed two months previously. But now that strategy wouldn’t work, because the Democrats no longer had the 60th vote in the Senate to end debate. What to do? They decided to have the House a bill they had and modify it to reflect the Senate Bill. THIS IS TECHNICALLY ILLEGAL SINCE ALL BILLS MUST ORIGINATE IN THE HOUSE... BUT PELOSI AND REID CONSPIRE WITH OBAMA TO MODIFY AND EXISTING HOUSE BILL.. RENAME IT OT THE ACA BIL AND GET TEH SENATE TO PASS TEH BILL BEFORE SCOTT BROWN IS SWORN IN. This is the BASTARD HOUSE BILL bill that NANCY PELOSI AND THE DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED CONGRESS CREATED SO THAT THE the Senate UNDER HARRY REID Could passed this MONSTROSITY on Christmas Eve. YES THIS IS HOW IT HAPPENED. CHECK THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD> See the Democrats must conduct six votes to pass their Obamacare — one of the crown jewels of Obamaism: 1 a.m. MONDAY – To end debate on “a manager’s package” that includes all the latest changes to the bill. 60 votes required. 7 a.m. TUESDAY – To approve the manager’s package. Simple majority required. Also TUESDAY – To end debate on Mr. Reid’s original health care proposal, as amended by the manager’s package. 60 votes required. 1 p.m. WEDNESDAY – To approve Mr. Reid’s original proposal. Simple majority required. Also WEDNESDAY – To end debate on the finalized health care legislation. 60 votes required. 7 p.m. THURSDAY, Christmas Eve (or anytime after the prior vote if all senators agree) – To approve the final bill. Simple majority required. NOT ONE REPUBLICAN VOTED FOR THE BILL. THEY DID IT WITH A WINK AND A NOD.... AND THE SUPPORT OF EVERY EVIL DEMOCRAT SENATOR WHO IS NOW ASKING YOU FOR YOUR VOTE!! ARE YOU GOING TO REWARD THE SENATE DEMOCRATS AGAIN ?? SHARE AND EDUCATE THE PUBLIC ABOUT HOW CROOKED HARRY REID AND NANCY PELOSI AND THE OBAMA CABAL REALLY ARE YOU MUST NOT HAVE TO LIVE UNDER SUCH A LAW DEMAND THAT THE REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED HOUSE AND SENATE REPEAL AND DEFUND IT NOW !!! NO BIPARTISAN BS !! RRR
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 17:32:09 +0000

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