Renea Anderson Green assigned me to ten things about me. But Im - TopicsExpress


Renea Anderson Green assigned me to ten things about me. But Im not that interesting, so Im not sure I can do all ten! Heres my attempt! Lol! 1. I am an only child, other than my step-brother who lives two hours away, :(, so I consider my husbands siblings as my siblings too. And my cousin Ashley. She was actually my sister in another life! Lol! 2. I miss my core group of friends that I dont get to teach with, every single day. Every. Single. Day. 3. I trust way too many people. I want to believe that there is good in the world, but Ive been burned so many times, that now I have a true and solid wall up except for a select few who have proven they are faithful through the years to our friendship, and that our friendship is more important that social status, career climbing, popularity, wealth, sucking up, being the favorite, or any other superficial thing. I value these friends more than theyll ever know!!! 4. My favorite restaurant is Olive Garden. Ive never had anything that tastes bad on their menu! Love that place!!!! Perfect night would be eating there and then going home to watch Home Alone 2 in bed with Wanie! Lol!!! 5. Hi. My name is Kara Richardson. And I have a running shoe addiction. 6. If I dont run/hike at least 4-6 days a cannot bear to be around me. I will make your life a living heck. You are very welcome for the fore-warning. 7. Many people think I have thick skin because Im very stoic, too vocal at times, and I stand up for whats right and what I believe in. However, I actually have a very tender heart and my feelings get hurt by others more than they realize. 8. I have an obsession with 1990s ish looks such as plaid shirts, ripped jeans and/or leggings, and moto looking boots. But I also like very polished, tailored dressy looks. Not sure whats wrong with me. Those totally dont go together. 9. My husband is my best friend and the love of my life. I knew it the moment he said I think Im in love with you. All marriages have ebbs and flows, but no one on earth can deal with me the way he does! Bahahaha!!!!! 10. Ive been cheating on Paul Walker with Duane for almost 11 years now. Sorry Paul! Youre great and all, but Duane is the bomb. However, I still have your poster in my closet! ;)
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 14:54:00 +0000

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