Repentance from dead works Hebrews 5:11-6:2 Scripture Matthew - TopicsExpress


Repentance from dead works Hebrews 5:11-6:2 Scripture Matthew 4:12-17 Apostle Elmer F. Ross Jr. December 1, 2013 This is the final month before we cross over into the New Year. 2014 is bringing with it challenges that the Body of Christ will have to deal with according to the Spirit of God and the Word of God like no other time in the history of the church. Many events will transpire out in the open and not under cover or concealment. Our society has allowed far too many moral barriers to be crossed and not checked and our response is going to have to be God centered and not from compromise. Every aspect of our lives and the very things we hold dear, to a lot of our freedoms will be challenged, confronted and controlled by the worlds system of unbelief and fear because the literal cat has been let out of the bag. God has been preparing us all through 2013 for what we are about to step into as the New Year dawns. Many are not ready because our lives were encumbered by the many tests, trials, and tribulations that kept us busy dealing with those distractions instead of focusing in on God, His Word, and the Holy Spirit. I want to encourage each of you to get laser like focus these next few weeks of December and not focus on the buying of gifts, because you can buy gifts with no focus or very little focus. Dont let this season of giving distract you from keeping your eye on your life and how the deceptions of Satan and his demons have surrounded our very existence, waiting to flood an opening in our lives and infiltrate with their perversion, pollution, and propaganda. So as we are directing our focus on the basics of Christianity, the foundational principles of salvation, please understand that Satan’s attempts at destroying you will be less effective if you have a strong foundation, and he is betting that you dont. He cant kill, steal or destroy if you know what hes after and what he is shooting at. And what he is after is well built, strong and secure. And we want you to be safe and secure, not just in your life, but in God, leaning on His everlasting arms. What a fellowship, what a joy divine, what a blessedness, what a peace is mine, safe and secure from all alarms. Repentance from dead works. This is the first principle of basic Christianity, to repent. Repent means, to turn away from sin, to turn from our self control and turn our lives over to Christs direction and control. Repentance removes sins defilement from the very core of our being. It brings us from the darkness to the marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9 Jesus taught on this in Matthew 5:12-17, turn there. The people that sat in darkness were those in sin, and the light is salvation, which is Jesus. Jesus was prophesied to that region to begin His ministry by Isaiah. And into that area, the shadow of death sprung up a light, Jesus, and also salvation. Which means He is sent to us in our sin in our darkness, bringing light and salvation. But to get saved we must repent of our sins, the dead works, and enter into the power of salvation and learn all that salvation holds and entails, but it starts with repentance and then continues over into our daily lives as we pray daily and repent of our sins, daily. What this does is removes the defilement that enters our lives daily through sins of commission and sins of omission. Sins you know you committed and sins you don;t know you committed. Please understand that we have to get real comfortable in repenting on a daily basis. This is one of the first things I do when I pray and that is to repent of my sins, daily. Understand the concept. It ushers in the light of Jesus and the power of salvation and removes any perversion or defilement that may have entered in. Breaching any attempt of the deceptive tactics of the demonic from taking root and springing up in your life. So as we move forward, get these into your base, into your foundation, as we advance and get ready for what God has for us in 2014.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 13:57:20 +0000

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