Republican primary for Gov and Lt. Gov are only 13 days away. The - TopicsExpress


Republican primary for Gov and Lt. Gov are only 13 days away. The choice is very easy for me- Two candidates have records to go by: -The Governors Race -We have Tom Foley and John McKinney- McKinney has a record- a Record of being an Oath Breaker- the man violated his oath when he helped to craft and voted in favor of SB1160 (the Gun Bill)-he should never hold public office again IMHO. Which makes that an easy choice- Tom Foley will get my vote. - The Lt. Governors race we have Penny Bacchiochi - Heather Somers and Dave Walker. Penny Bacchiochi is the only candidate in this race with a proven record- A proven Record of Honoring her Oath of Office and voting AGAINST SB1160. She not only voted correctly but she was also on committee and was very engaged in the hearings. Heather Somers has no record- was a sitting council woman in Groton( labeled mayor)- and Walker.............-no record and ..........well you can all read my views of him in a previous post- lets just say -I dont trust him one bit. Another very easy choice for me- Penny for CT will get my vote. make certain if you are a Registered Republican VOTE on Aug 12th. If you are Unaffiliated you can register as a Republican and vote in the primary.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 01:58:10 +0000

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