Republicans Foolishly Try to Get People to Reject Paying $100 a - TopicsExpress


Republicans Foolishly Try to Get People to Reject Paying $100 a Month for Healthcare ObamaCare is coming. Or, as Elizabeth Hasselbeck quipped in an oh so not scripted totally planned way today on Fox today, “ObamaScare.” Yeah, they didn’t believe Sarah Palin’s lies, so we’ll get Elizabeth Hasselbeck to say them. As Republicans crow that only 23% of Americans want them to destroy ObamaCare because they don’t understand it or like it, the big benefits are starting to roll in. The latest benefit is a doozy, with the Department of Health and Human Services releasing a report today showing that nearly six in ten (56%) uninsured Americans can pay less than $100 per month for coverage. Yep. Nearly six in ten people who don’t have health insurance may be able to get coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace for less than $100 per month, according to a new report released Tuesday by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HHS explains that 23.2 million, which is 56% of the 41.3 million eligible uninsured, may qualify for Medicaid, CHIP, or tax credits enabling them to get insurance at the exchanges for $100 or less a month. So Republicans want Americans to reject being able to pay only $100 a month for coverage, so that they and their families can go uncovered in order to help Republicans appease a faction of their party. Seriously? The fail is huge on this. Of course, Republicans have blocked the Medicaid expansion in some states (and you know they’ll blame Obama for that and their base will buy it), thereby keeping millions from affordable health insurance. In those states, Republicans are causing insurance rates to rise by denying Medicaid expansion. A RAND Health study found that premiums increase by 8 to 10% if states fail to expand Medicaid. Tuesday’s HHS report shows “if all 50 states took advantage of new options to expand Medicaid coverage, nearly 8 out of every 10 people (78 percent) who currently do not have insurance could be paying less than $100 a month for coverage under the Affordable Care Act.” Republicans can continue to ObamaScare the public, but only their base wants ObamaCare destroyed. The public is confused about ObamaCare. Not only have Republicans thrown all of their considerable corporate resources at demonizing the healthcare law, but in typical Democratic style, it has been presented long in policy specifics and short on bumper sticker slogans. Democrats are trying, but short and inaccurate is not their forte and every time they try it, then end up cringing in retreat as soon as they’re busted.….
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 19:59:06 +0000

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