Republicans have been lying to the American people for so long and - TopicsExpress


Republicans have been lying to the American people for so long and so often that now they are starting to believe their own rhetoric even though they have been proven wrong on so many occasions. The Republican Party has operated as the American Taliban in our government. They have obstructed and blocked the democratic process. These people must be stopped in the mid-term elections, in November 2014. They have blocked every single piece of legislation that would get America and Americans back on their feet again. Why would you vote for the party of Hate, Greed, and Corruption? 1. Republicans want to build the Keystone XL pipeline to create jobs here in the United States. What they don’t tell you is that we would not reap the benefits of the pipeline, in increased tax revenues, and we would have to clean up the mess spills would create throughout the heartland of America. Oil would penetrate the aquifer and contaminate ground water for millions of Americans. We don’t need another tragedy from this project. 2. They want to repeal the Affordable Care Act, because it prevents billion dollar insurance companies from charging customers high insurance premiums and they must cover pre-existing conditions, and will reduce the profit margin for their shareholders. They do not offer a counter proposal to the Affordable Care Act. Why would they want to take away insurance coverage for millions of Americans without offering an alternative? They don’t have an alternative plan to replace it. 3. They have refused to pass equal pay for equal work for women. 4. They have voted against the Violence against women act. 5. They want to overturn Roe v Wade which gives women the right to choose and determine reproductive health for their own bodies. 6. They won’t increase the minimum wage, but have increased their wages numerous times because of cost of living increases. 7. They have not produced any meaningful legislation that resolves the Federal Budget issues and reduces the deficit. 8. They continue to cut taxes to the Rich and create even more loopholes that benefit their corporate masters while leaving the rest of Americans the burden of supporting the Federal Budget. 9. They will not address income inequality and close or eliminate tax loopholes to make corporations pay their fair share of taxes to help lower our Federal deficit. 10. They refuse to present a bill that addresses comprehensive immigration reform of any kind. 11. They want to sue the President of the United States for using his executive authority. While at the same time refusing to enact legislation that would replace the need for executive action. The lawsuit is frivolous and should be denied on its merits. We should not be using tax payer dollars and wasting valuable time on such a folly. 12. They spent millions of dollars to fund congressional committees to investigate the Benghazi conspiracy only to find out that there was no conspiracy or wrongdoing on the part of State Department officials. The Republican Party cut spending for security forces at all embassies and consulates throughout the world and then wondered why there was no security for Benghazi. Oops. 13. They continue to give tax payer subsidies to companies (corporate welfare). These companies like major oil, Wal-Mart and several other corporate entities produce billions in profits. They don’t need subsidies. Companies like Wal-Mart and McDonald’s will not pay their employees a living wage and so the taxpayers are burdened with providing assistance to these people. They should pay employees a living wage so taxpayers don’t have to subsidize their employee’s incomes. 14. Current tax laws allow corporations to shield income in off shore accounts and to lower their tax burden to the Federal Government. This practice should be halted immediately and profits and losses should be reported on total income for Corporations so that an appropriate tax can be levied. 15. There is no such thing as trickle-down economics. It is a myth and does not create jobs and only increases wealth at the top instead of throughout the entire income spectrum. It would be more appropriate to call it Voo Doo economics like President George H. W. Bush called it. The Republican Party would have you believe that trickle-down economics works. It has been the party mantra since President Ronald Reagan took office in 1980. 16. They have refused to present a jobs bill that will improve our roads and bridges although they are in bad need of repair and upgrades. 17. They have cut spending for Veterans Administration offices and Health Care facilities and also reduced the amount disabled American veterans receive in benefits, because of service connected disabilities. The Republican Party can send them off to war, but they can’t take care of them when they come back broken and battered. 18. The Republican Party continues to fund the Armed Forces with billions of taxpayer dollars. We spend more on defense spending than the next 20 countries in the world and 19 of those countries are our allies. For the life of me I don’t understand why the Republican Party even exists. They won’t respond to the needs of the vast majority of people. Most of the Republican Party claims to be Christians and to hold Christian beliefs while they deprive the less fortunate of our Americans to go hungry, because they cut spending for food stamps. All welfare programs providing assistance to people require that those individuals have a job. They are provided assistance because they often don’t have the paycheck to be able to keep food on the table and a warm place to call home. They have coined a new phrase called the working poor. Why do we have a working poor? Didn’t Jesus Christ teach us to feed the hungry and care for the sick and diseased? Why would a person claiming to be a Christian not adhere to Christian ideals? The Republican Party has blocked any legislation that would create a need for background checks for persons wanting to purchase a firearm. And, they have failed to produce any legislation that would end the violence or at least lower the incidence of gun violence in our country. It is time to take back our country from the Republican Party that only dances to the tune of their corporate masters while ignoring the mandates of the constituents that voted them into office. They cut funding for our public schools and prefer to privatize education so only a limited amount of people could attend schools. It is called the dumbing down of America. If you have a population that is ignorant and uninformed of current events and general knowledge then you have the ability to misinform and mold them into the type of society you want to form. Education is the key to build minds that can change society and give people the ability to formulate solutions and problem solve. We have more prisons in the United States with the most incarcerated population in the world. If we spent more on education we could lower the prison populations. They did a study years ago that pitted nature against nurture. Nurture won out all the time. In several European countries the governments fund a student’s education through College and top students are funded to get Masters and Doctoral degrees, because they know these members of their society will contribute to the well-being and financial security of that society. This is what should be done here in the United States, but isnt being done. We have corporate entities that lobby our government from what to buy or who to support and the people get lost in the shuffle of democracy versus oligarchy and fascism. We have allowed corporations to corrupt our democracy and corrupt our legislative bodies so that the few dictate the laws to the many instead of a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Abraham Lincoln the last true Republican would not recognize the Republican Party of today. We need to get back to the way things were when Dwight Eisenhower was President of the United States. Corporations and the rich were taxed appropriately and the people thrived. Then along came Ronald Reagan and the rape and pillage of America through Reaganomics. And the myth called trickle-down economics. I served in the United States Navy for 20 years and didnt want our society to turn into what it has become. All of you that think your votes dont count are sorely misinformed. The 2000 election was won by a margin of just 800 votes in the state of Florida, and would have placed Al Gore in the White House instead of that idiot George W. Bush. This November everyone needs to get out and vote. Your votes count. Let your voices be heard. Apathy is killing the American way of life. Dont let it kill our democracy as well.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 11:23:57 +0000

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