Resolutions issued by Revolutionary Cultural Forum (RCF) on 27th - TopicsExpress


Resolutions issued by Revolutionary Cultural Forum (RCF) on 27th July 2014 Israel’s Imperialist aggression against Palestinian People in the Gaza Strip! Support Palestine people’s right for a sovereign state!! All India Leading Committee of Revolutionary Cultural Front (RCF) met at Raipur today and expressed deep concern over the wanton killing of innocent Palestinians by the Zionist state of Israel at Gaza strip. It is a quirk of History that the state of Israel was created by displacing Palestinians from their Century old homeland. In 1948, Israel was created through a UN intervention. The only claim the Jews had to Israel was that it is their biblical homeland, and supposedly one that God (Yahweh or the Tetragrammatons’) had promised. The historical record says Jews were thrown out of this area by the Romans, not the Arabs. From the First Century CE, Jews had been driven out in large numbers from Israel, and till 1948, the bulk of Jews lived outside their so-called homeland. To keep West Asia under control by installing a colonial-settler state, imperialists agreed to the Zionist demand for creating a Jewish state of Israel. While it is supposed to be a democratic state, in fact it is a religious state where Jews have priority, proved above all by the so-called Law of Return, by which anyone who is a Jew or is married to a Jew has the right to return (ha) to Israel. Even the 1947 UN proposal called for handing over 55% of the land to the Jews (bad enough as at that time they owned only 7%). But by the end of one round of wars by Zionist armed forces, they captured 77%, and eliminated at least 418 Arab villages. After the 1967 war, most of Palestine was controlled by them and even more Palestinians were refugees. So if, after moderate agitations failed, the Palestinians did become violent occasionally, it cannot be compared at all with the systematic Zionist violence on the Palestinians protest. We do not oppose and condemn all Jews, but only Zionism and the Zionist state. The people of Gaza need such united protests. And in India, where pro-Israel forces are welcomed and pro-Palestine demonstrations are brutally attacked by the police, united, mass shows of resistance are essential. What is happening now is absurd and unthinkable. Violating all the charters of UN, Israel, with the tacit approval of USA and other imperialist powers, are bombing the Gaza strip and launching missiles and mortars at the civilian targets and thus killing innocent men, women and children. As of today, death of the victims such barbarism has crossed the number of 1100 near about 5000 injured and tens of thousands have lost their homes as a result of the brutal bombing and the deployment of ground troops. While condemning such wanton destruction of human lives in an unambiguous terms, we appeal to all peace loving people of the world to fight this Zionist might united, and compel and restrain the imperialist and Zionist killers for withdrawal of forces. We also demand to the Govt. of India to strongly protest Israel & detach all military & diplomatic ties with Israel. We strongly denounce the stand taken by the BJP government equating the barbarous Israeli aggression with the provocative acts of Hamas stating that since India is having friendly relations with Israel it cannot condemn it or take a pro-Palestine stand. It is a reactionary stand reflecting its servitude to US-Israel axis. Revolutionary Cultural Forum calls upon the workers, the women, the youth, all oppressed classes and sections and all peace-loving people to increase their protest and resistance against the Israeli aggressors, their imperialist supporters and all imperialist lackeys. Stop the Israeli attacks upon Gaza Strip! Long live international solidarity with the Palestine People!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 13:47:43 +0000

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