Responce to Itai Dzamara post of 27/05/14 posted at 06:21am - TopicsExpress


Responce to Itai Dzamara post of 27/05/14 posted at 06:21am entitled: MDC rebels now desperate to hold talks: I wish to respond to Itai Dzamaras continued diatribe against the MDC renewal team. Mr. Dzamara has defended Tsvangirai group vociferously, and attacked the Biti group with the venom of a puff adder, much to the chagrin of Douglas Mwonzora and Luke Tamborinyoka, the two officials who are officially tasked with defending the Tsvangirai group. For the record, until recently, I have held Mr. Dzamara in high esteem as a journalist of impeccable track record. I have followed his stories and relied on him to try and find the middle line in the thick of a highly polarized media fraternity. However, recent postings show Mr. Dzamara to have thrown all professionalism and caution to the wind, diving into the MDC political ring without hesitation and unleashing a clearly biased scathing attack on the Biti group from the outset of the MDC internal conflict. Why would a journalist of such admirable achievements want to throw all he has worked for away to defend the indefensible? Has he been hired to do so? Does he have personal vendettas with some people in the renewal group? In particular, with Mr. Biti who is leading the renewal group? Surely there must be something more than meets the eye. Mr Dzamara states that we are desperate to hold talks with Tsvangirai. Far from it, when we were desperate to hold talks with Tsvangirai he would not listen. We tried to make him see the wisdom of an early congress and the need to see beyond nikuv as the only explanation for the heavy defeat in the previous election, he did not want to listen. Instead he embarked on a tirade of constitutional transgressions which left the partys national council with no option but to suspend him and his accomplices. As expected, Mr. Tsvangirai has defied his lawful suspension and continues to masquerade as the MDC President further aggravating his case. For the record there are no plans in the renewal team to reconcile with Tsvangirai. We can only engage in talks to the extent that he indicates willingness to step aside and help reunite the party to a single congress with the original structures of 2011. The second scenario where we would be willing to engage Tsvangirai is towards achieving an amicable separation. Typical of any divorce, a clever couple agrees to a an out of court settlement to avoid costs associated with a nasty divorce. In our case, there is a need to agree on a peace accord where the two parties do not attack each other in public especially in the media and online or even physically attack each other. Secondly we have to agree to respect our members freedom of association from party leaders at various levels, MPs, councillors, members and general supporters to freely choose the side they want without coersion and intimidation. Thirdly we need to agree on an amicable formula to distribute party assets and lastly agree on the party name symbols and slogans. These are the only two circumstances where we would be willing to talk with the Tsvangirai group. Contrary to Dzamaras false assertions it is actually Tsvangirai group which has been grovelling to be part of the grand coalition, and numerous members across the country who have come forward to join the renewal team. The numbers have been so overwhelming that one member joked but rightfully observed that vana vembwa havasvunuri musi umwechete. What started off as a small group has gradually grown and continues on its steady upward trajectory. Mr. Dzamara is so biased yet so energetic and consistent in his coverage of the MDC conflict that it has become so obvious that he is benefiting or stands to benefit from the other faction. While it is common cause that there is a clear leadership dispute in the MDC recognized by all media stables and even by Parliament that referred the warring parties to court, Mr. Dzamara has chosen to pretend to be oblivious to this brazen reality choosing instead to tow the message box of the Tsvangirai group characterized and typified by denigratory words such as rebels, sellouts, former, doomed, desperate. Dzamara says the Biti group now wants to participate in Congress conveniently forgetting that we are the ones who called for an early Congress in the first place citing the wisdom of an early congress such as renewing mandate, hope and confidence after the devastation of july 31, the need for ample time to heal congress wounds devise a workable formula for conducting primary elections and to prepare for the general election among others. Tsvangirai in his wisdom or lack of it chose to listen to Nelson Chamisa who feared a congress for his own primary elections misadventures that severely cost the party. In conclusion , it is imperative to identify Itai Dzamara and his newsleader stable for who and for what they are: unethical media mercenaries who rely, as Dzamara himself often writes, on leaked information from faceless sources. While Dzamara has every right to choose the faction he wants to write for, he should come out in the open to be a Tsvangirai politician, spokesperson or consultant rather than pretend to be a professional objective journalist when he is clearly not one.
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 20:03:38 +0000

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