Reverend William Heard of the Kaighn Avenue Baptist Church, New - TopicsExpress


Reverend William Heard of the Kaighn Avenue Baptist Church, New Jersey was at Community of Hope, and brought us some Holy and Anointed worship and preaching. Church with REV. WILLIAM HEARD! Revelation 3:16 Revelation 3:17 Revelation 3:20 Revelation 3:21 ALONE IN A ROOM. Yeshua will come in and FELLOWSHIP with you, ALONE. Just you and HIM. IF you open up the door!! God is willing to come FIRST, to you!! All you need to do is OPEN UP the door!! This INTIMATE, PRIVATE time with Yeshua, is AVAILABLE, ANYTIME we need it. And HE walks with me And HE talks with me And we tarry there... He is the TRUE ESSENCE of RELATIONSHIP. That is the friend I want to spend time with. Relationship, intimacy with Yeshua. IN THAT ROOM with CHRIST, there is: RECONCILIATION. God was in Christ, RECONCILING us to Himself. To be RECONCILED means to be BROUGHT BACK into RIGHT RELATIONSHIP. So NOT only are WE reconciled, but we now become the AGENTS of CHRIST to bring OTHERS into RECONCILIATION. RESTORATION. HE restores us. RECLAMATION. He reclaims me and takes me back EVEN when I fail and slip, and mess up. When Satan goes after us before God, pointing out our errors - Christ stands up and says, never mind, satan, I have paid it all on that cross on Calvary. RENEWAL He renews us and makes us NEW. RESPITE The Sabbath has given us REST. We need to get away from the hustle of life and REST from our duties and responsibilities. And get renewed by God. RELIEF and RELEASE. When we come and bring our problems to Him, only THEN can He give us relief! God wants our praise, BUT He ALSO wants our LAMENT!!! So I can go in that room and let it flow! REFUGE. He begins to lay a table before me and let the haters SEE Him blessing me!! RECIPROCITY He will come in and have fellowship with ME, and I have fellowship with HIM. What I give God, He gives back, exponentially. There is reciprocity in that room. REAL. There is REAL conversation in that room! There is no hollow praise or empty conversation. He will give me wise Counsel. He also wont tell anyone else what I tell him! God will tell it like it REALLY is. He is not going to gas it up in my head. He is not going to sugarcoat it for me. A little talk with Yeshua is what sets it all right. REMEDY. There is a BALM in that room that will make me whole. There is a remedy, a fix, a cure, for my souls dis-ease. RECOVERY. There is care for my condition. There is recovery through the One Who is the Healer. REVELATION. He infuses me with divine perspective and direction. He gives me revelation of His plans. REMINDER. There is a reminder that greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world. There is a reminder that we are MORE than conquerors because HE fought the battle for us, and we just have to enter and possess the land. There is a reminder that ONE DAY, we shall see Him clearly and FACE to FACE. So where is the room??? Your heart? The beach? The closet? The bathroom? It is a place of quietude where you can get alone and get into the presence of God. Where you can lament and cry and praise and get intimate! Get in the room!! Amen!!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 06:00:50 +0000

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