Reverse Aging - A Novel Idea By Janet S. Lifshin Sept 2, - TopicsExpress


Reverse Aging - A Novel Idea By Janet S. Lifshin Sept 2, 2013 Sixty two Sixty three Shoo Reminds me of that old kids game, think it went one, two, three shoot. Oh yes, it was shoot not shoo if that is really a word. If it is, doesn’t it mean go away? Which is why I am writing as I am getting ready to celebrate my 63rd birthday I started thinking of the benefits of turning 62. At 62 you can retire and at 62 you can get a reverse mortgage. I didn’t do either of those. Sixty two- what did I know Sixty three- FREE That’s me just trying to rhyme. I want a life with rhythm and rhyme, that is not a crime, now is it? I have a great idea for 63 that has to do with what I could have done at 62 with a reverse mortage and that is reverse aging. I am proud to be my age and shucks no one believes me since I look so young and act young, too. So telling me to act my age would not be a good idea. What I am proclaiming for all of you that look young and act young and cannot believe that you are in a number you used to think was “old.” Remember when you thought 30 was old. Practice reverse aging. You don’t have to purchase any potion or lotion all you have to do is tell your age like it is so when someone asks your age – you won’t have to say that it is not polite to ask a women her age, all you have to say proudly is that I am 36r. Kind of sounds like a bra size doesn’t it? No it is your reverse age. Just reverse the numbers and that is it. So next year I will be 46r and the year after 56r and then I will have to find a new way as there is no way around 66 and then it gets worse because 67 will become 76r. Oh well, another good idea gone to heck….
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 20:37:45 +0000

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