Reviewing the movie Noah: If a movie were made in which stories - TopicsExpress


Reviewing the movie Noah: If a movie were made in which stories out of the sacred Koran were as deliberately misrepresented as the Biblical story of Noah and the Ark.... Muslims would be outraged and there would be such bloodshed. Not to mention if the image of Mohammad were implied, hundreds would be murdered in movie theatres. Its PC to slam peaceful Christians. With that said, there was so much off-base from the Biblical story of Noah I will just mention moments and elements, then you can see the movie for yourself -- or not. I do recommend seeing it just to know how a special story in the Christian faith has been mocked. There is no mention of God in this movie.... the Creator is the only name given. Lucifer is never mentioned. In the Bible, Lucifer is said to have become jealous of God, and conned 1/3 of the angels in Heaven to rebel. In the movie Noah the angels are upset that the Creator is mad that humans have been polluting the planet, destroying the garden of Eden... and the Creator is going to wipe out humans with a flood. The angels are thrown from Heaven and the Creator encases them in rock... so... the evil humans try to kill them. But, Noah saves a fallen angel/rock creature so the fallen angels decide to help Noah. The fallen angels build the ark. Yep... you read that right. At one point Noah reveals to his family that the only reason the ark has been built is so all the animals can be saved -- two-by-two they come. Noah and his family are supposed to die off according to the Creator via Noah and some weird crap hes been drinking with his grandfather, Methusela who lives in a cave for some reason and not with the family. Meanwhile, one of Noahs sons, Ham gets really horny and demands a wife. He goes off amongst the evil humans, whose leader believes himself to be created in the image of the creator, so HE HIMSELF is a creator. Ham finds a chick, they get it on.... then when the rains come all the humans panic and run for the ark. Hams woman gets her leg caught in an animal trap... Noah shows up, and you would think in this mix of Harry Potter, Star Trek and Lord of the Rings movie good Noah would save her...... NOPE! He stands there and lets the crowd trample her to death. NO BABIES! No humans, not even Noah and his family are to survive the flood ONLY the animals. Ham hates Noah now, and joins the ranks of the evil human leader. At one point theres a lost girl Noahs family took in, ONLY because she is barren. Somehow with the help of Methusela there is an immaculate conception.... TWINS! Not one girl, but TWO girls this barren chick now carries. When they are born, Noah attempts to kill them to follow the will of the creator... ONLY ANIMALS ARE TO LEAVE THE ARK.... man has treated Mother Earth bad. Somehow Noahs heart is suddenly filled with LOVE and he just cant kill the twins. Oh, and the fallen angels die for Noah while trying to keep the evil humans off the ark. I cannot go on.... this is enough about how vulgar the writer, producers and director of this movie treated a sacred Christian Bible story. Theres much more.... when me and my friend Tony Stewart saw this movie, we just had to start laughing at the sick fallacy .... getting nothing but offended would have resulted in a bad headache. I saw several people walk out in disgust and heard their comments about how shabby the story of Noah was treated. Months ago when I saw the first trailers for this I had high hopes.... nothing in the trailer gave away the true, distorted, environmentally PC sermon of this movie. And yes, to you progressives who will try to brand me a hater and part of the problem... get over your sad selves... I stand behind the producers right to make this movie under the 1st Amendment... I just dont have to like or approve it. I do not like this movie and I dont approve of how a portion of my faith was treated.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 06:10:02 +0000

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