Reviews are in from people who watched last nights gubernatorial - TopicsExpress


Reviews are in from people who watched last nights gubernatorial candidates forum. Check out the PoliticsPA comment board: Dan on November 24, 2013 at 8:14 pm said: John Hanger rely stood out from the rest! He was the most articulated candidate and outlined his plans. The other candidates seemed to give standard boxes answers, although McCord is a good public speaker his answers seemed boxed. The worst proformance was delivered by congresswoman Schwartz and Tom wolf. Rebecca Anzur on November 24, 2013 at 8:07 pm said: We are awake John Hanger!!! We are AWAKE! I would like to thank you for being the only gubernatorial candidate to support Marijuana Reform. You are a true inspiration to those of us who are sick and have a disease marijuana can either greatly reduce the symptoms of such as my very rare disease of porphyria or even go a step further that it contains the necessary oil to cure cancer. With John Hanger’s 3 step reform plan listed on his web site Pennsylvanians will no longer be forced to suffer like we currently do under the thumb of Tom Corbett. John is passionate about Schools, Jobs, Environment and Liberty. I will be proud to give John Hanger my vote! A Governor for ALL Pennsylvanians!!! JOHN HANGER FOR GOVERNOR 2014!!!! Pennsylvanians For John Hanger on November 24, 2013 at 6:49 pm said: Pennsylvania wants John Hanger as governor !!!!!! Finally someone worth voting for !!!!! Jeremy Haloskie on November 24, 2013 at 5:39 pm said: I said on this site a bunch of times. Hanger has the best polices. It seems like the consensus is that he won the debate. I met him once when he came to my county. From that single meeting, I was really impressed. The criticism he received was that he was a wonk. He knew policy but didn’t have anything else too him. I guess this debate settled that. I clearly expect Hanger to get a huge bounce in the polls. barnejo on November 24, 2013 at 2:35 pm said: i was definitely skeptical about the candidates going into the forum, but left feeling both impressed and heartened by john hanger. he was the only candidate who actually brought up specific issues that working families face. he stepped outside the questions, demonstrated how all the issues were connected, and then presented a plan to tackle each and every one. he mentioned the need to increase the minimum wage, to stop the privatization of the public schools, legalize marijuana to positively reform our racist criminal [in]justice system, and support and encourage union organizing and growth. wow! his policies will have a profoundly positive effect on philadelphians and the state as a whole. while mccord has the charisma and charm, his politics fall way flat in comparison to hanger’s, and we must remember its their actions not their words that we must judge. so far, hanger has my full support and vote. and thanks mindy for that great video of hanger interviewing a local south philly resident. if you missed it, here it is again…youtube/watch?v=PFWMQBLz5j8&app=desktop Robert on November 24, 2013 at 1:40 pm said: I was at the forum and was tremendously impressed by John Hanger and Rob McCord. In a contest among Democrats with similar views on policy issues, I look for eloquence, passion and charisma in a potential candidate and Hanger and McCord were outstanding in showing those attributes. It was a much livelier event than I expected and it left me looking forward to following this primary campaign and especially seeing more of John Hanger and Rob McCord. The potential they showed on Saturday was inspiring. David Diano on November 24, 2013 at 1:26 pm said: The reviews of Schwartz are not much of a surprise. As I’ve pointed out, her campaign is mostly one of existing name recognition, and her staff of cheerleaders trying to convince everyone else to step aside (before the voters realize what a weak candidate she is). No surprise that McCord did well. He’s very knowledgeable and a bit of a showman. I’m glad to hear that Hanger and McGinty are doing well. They have good ideas that are core to the Democratic party value and helping the state. I’m disappointed to see announced candidates excluded from a debate. What was the criteria? If it was a limit as to how many candidates they could host in that forum, then the absence of Corbett and Pawlowski should have opened two slots. Jeff on November 24, 2013 at 12:32 pm said: Union crowds psyched up at the promise of more and more taxpayer dollars going directly into their salaries and lavish pensions. No surprises there. Did anyone discuss how they would actually PAY for these bribes? Henry on November 24, 2013 at 11:04 am said: Clearly John Hanger was the most knowledgable and passionate about Education. He gets what’s really happening and isn’t afraid to call it like he sees it. Hanger has the heart, soul, and mind that our state leadership has been missing. Hanger has a clear plan to turn things around. The other candidates are still mostly spouting empty rhetoric. Mindy on November 24, 2013 at 8:25 am said: John Hanger was the real winner last night. McCord was a great public speaker–no doubt–but he seemed to ride on Hanger’s ideals. Hanger was the only person who really had a PLAN, instead of just talking about ousting Corbett. he’s the only person to talk about legalizing marijuana and mass incarceration. everyone said they wanted to get rid of the SRC but Hanger really set himself apart with actual points of what he will do as governor. he’ll be tough on charters and privatization in general, and he really supports workers rights and creating strong unions. the biggest complaint I’ve heard about Hanger is his viability and electability. he sure seemed electable last night what with the whole crowd cheering for him! we are the ones who decide who is in office so lets pick the person who speaks for us and believes in us, not the person with the most money. WE make someone electable by voting for them. Check out this video Hanger made with a member of the Point Breeze community! Albert Taylor on November 24, 2013 at 4:20 am said: John Hanger was great! He is the only candidate I can get behind. JOHN HANGER – May 2014!!! NancyN on November 23, 2013 at 11:05 pm said: Hanger clearly struck plenty of cords tonight – bringing together the interests of many in the room and clearly highlighting some of the structural problems that has been exacerbated in PA under Corbett’s term: prison expansion, charter school privatization, the stall on medicaid expansion, and more. Importantly he identified our issues of healthcare, education, dignified employment, etc as human rights, and our fight as one for social justice. I thought it was hilarious that McCord tried to take on a lot of the messaging from Hanger after all the cheers into his own responses afterwards. Hah talk about shifting the narrative! MikeF on November 23, 2013 at 9:14 pm said: I was there. Schwartz was BAD! was really expecting more from the “Front runner” gotta wonder if she’s going to fire anyone this week because of the bad performance… Dominic on November 23, 2013 at 8:07 pm said: My take, Schwartz failed to really energize the crowd. Was she really reading off of scripted answers? Pretty lame. I think she thought this would be a cakewalk, instead got upstaged on specifics by all others sans Wolf. Made her supporters happy, and that’s about all. Grade: C Hanger drew tremendous audience response with comments regarding closing charter schools and marijuana laws. Spunky and showing true progressive colors. Held his own and more. Made a major step toward being a viable contender. Grade: A McGinty: Animated to the point of being a marionette. Put your hands in your pocket girl! Nothing really earthshattering with her responses. I fail to see voters drooling over her with this presentation. Just put your damn hands down! Grade: B McCord: Did well with this labor crowd. Ballsy move stepping out from behind the podium . Fiery, ready to make this a long battle. A little too Howard Dean for me, but did very well. Grade A Wolf: Who? Lacked charisma and depth. Full time consideration of another endeavor might be in order. Grade: F
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 01:48:45 +0000

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