Revising The Truth: Diary Of A Dictator Posted by Xavier Another - TopicsExpress


Revising The Truth: Diary Of A Dictator Posted by Xavier Another day, another $550 billion of economic growth added? All economic data since 1929 somehow revised to miraculously illustrate how the Great Depression wasn’t as bad as previously thought; even better, how the Great Recession of Barack Obama is a figment of our imagination as America steams towards unparalleled prosperity? I’m sorry, my fellow patriots, but this administration has surpassed psychiatric care, the painfully absurd, and leaped off the red cliff of propaganda of the third kind. Obama is so desperate to put a positive spin on his atrocious economic record he literally has no boundaries or shame. (That’s right, he never told anyone to change anything!) My question is, where in the hell are the people with any resemblance of a brain calling the government out for this tyrannical nonsense? Why in the hell is taxpayer money being spent to fund this progressive pseudo-reality as schools, hospitals and cities continue to go bankrupt? No matter how hard our historic failure of a president tries, he cannot change the fact welfare recipients have DOUBLED since 2008, over 10 million have dropped out of the workforce, America has the lowest workforce participation since the Great Depression, a TEMP AGENCY is now our second largest employer, the debt has increased a record 6 trillion in 5 years, Obamacare is already an unmitigated disaster, gas prices have doubled, and blacks have the highest unemployment - lowest home and business ownership - since the 1970’s. If today’s workforce had the same amount of workers as in 2008 - not the near 11 million magically eliminated from the unemployment equation – the jobless rate would be closer to 15%! Wow, Department of Labor, things really are getting better! It is obvious our government agencies, those supposedly designed to serve the people’s interests, can no longer be trusted to fulfill their duties objectively and truthfully. When the Feds use their power to intimidate political opponents, blatantly manipulate numbers vital to our markets and proper economic planning, they have officially gone rogue and thus become the true enemy of liberty and prosperity. And yet, somehow, Senator John McCain had the audacity to say Fox News...i.e., conservative Americans…were ‘a bit schizophrenic’ in their accusatory thinking; even going as far to say he might vote for Hillary. Hello…Benghazi, Fast and the Furious, the IRS scandal, wiretapping the AP, a crumbling private sector to secure an ever dependent electorate. Oh, and correct me if I’m wrong, wasn’t it Bill and Hillary in 2012 who endorsed the great Obama in no equivocal terms by exclaiming his economic vision for America was the only one that would work? That’s what I thought. Then again, Bill said the Fair Housing Act wouldn’t cost America one cent! He was right: it was the greatest catalyst for the trillion dollar credit collapse between 2007 and 2009 that ignited this entire economic downfall. Apparently, in the eyes of the modern day voter, accountability, competence and character are no longer resume builders. When America gets tired of sub-prime excuses - the choreographed distraction of the imaginary war on gays, women, and minorities - the pathologically lying president is behind the door on the left. The key is labeled “contempt”. teapartyorg.ning/profiles/blog/show?id=4301673%3ABlogPost%3A1734742&xgs=1&xg_source=msg_share_post
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 12:04:29 +0000

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