Richard Bachert I have just emerged from a 12 hour suspension of - TopicsExpress


Richard Bachert I have just emerged from a 12 hour suspension of my Face Book posting privileges. My suspension was prompted by the FB PC/Tolerance/Diversity Police for what they indicated were hateful comments about Muslims and Islamic terrorists. I should like to take this opportunity to apologize to any Islamic terrorists offended by those remarks – but most especially To the Islamic terrorists in Nigeria who, having nothing better to do one night several days ago, strolled into a village housing a Christian school and slit the throats, beheaded and burned alive 15 children and nuns. I have great difficulty reconciling your murder of children – especially the females – given Islam’s blessing to marriage between old men and girls as young as 7 years of age. Depleting the supply of pre-nubile female children seems counter intuitive. Further, I understand that Algore has asked you to halt the burning alive thing as it really plays hell with your carbon footprint. To the Islamic terrorists who murdered members of a polio vaccination team attempting to spare Muslim children from the disease. To the Islamic terrorists who, in a recently circulated video, could be seen offering human sacrifices by shooting in the back of the head some 15 bound and kneeling non-Muslim “sacrifices” as the executioners shouted their heartfelt praise of Allah. To the Islamic terrorists seen in another recent video, slitting the throat of a Christian missionary. To the Islamic terrorists who waded into a train station to stab over thirty Chinese commuters to death. To the Islamic terrorists who invade a small Nigerian village and shot and burned to death nearly fifty innocents, all while shouting praises to Allah. (Algore again advises you stick to the shooting thing, not burning.) Last but not least, to any of the currently non-violent members of the “religion of peace” who have been cowed to silence by the violent members of Islam under threats of a grisly death to you and your entire family. While we understand your silence, it is well settled in our soon to be obsolete Western system of jurisprudence that “Silence is assent”. Inasmuch as there have been approximately 22,615 acts of terror committed by members of the “religion of peace” since 9/11/2001, this list is NOT inclusive. I have only enough space and bandwidth to hit the highlights. If I missed any of you who felt you needed my apology, I – well – apologize. I also offer my apology to the ever-vigilant FB PC/Tolerance/Diversity Police for my insensitivity. All of that said, should Sharia “law” develop deeper roots here, I would urge all Christians and Jews – especially even non-observant Jews or those former Christians and Jews who claim to have become atheists – to keep a bug out bag handy as you will almost certainly need it WHEN – not IF – WHEN the SHTF here in America22222222
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 19:17:49 +0000

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