Richard Dawkins on Intelligent Alien Design. May 2008, - TopicsExpress


Richard Dawkins on Intelligent Alien Design. May 2008, Conclusion added July 2013. I have capitalized all assumptions. This is completely verbatim. Intelligent Alien Design? You cant be serious? Well actually I am. Richard Dawkins, one of the worlds most famous champions of Darwins Theory of Evolution and a staunch atheist, has recently been discussing the POSSIBILITY that life on Earth COULD be the result of advanced alien engineering. Dawkins has said that he still BELIEVES( I dont care what you BELIEVE Richard) that life MOST LIKELY originated on earth, but he has also said than an alien DESIGNED ( did he just use the D word) start is an intriguing POSSIBILITY. Intelligent life, he has explained, COULD HAVE( prove it!!!) evolved elsewhere in the universe ACCORDING to modern Darwinian theory, and this intelligent life COULD HAVE (speculating- NOT FACT) eventually learned to engineer new life, and an engineered seed COULD HAVE then have ended up on earth and SUBSEQUENTLY (more speculation) evolved into to all the life found here today. Dawkins appears quite serious about the possibility of Intelligent Alien Design and has mentioned it on a number of occasions. From a recent documentary called Expelled we have: BEN STEIN: What do you think is the possibility that Intelligent Design might turn out to be the answer to some issues in genetics or in evolution? DAWKINS: Well, it COULD ( more speculation) come about in the following way. It COULD ( he loves the word could, have you noticed?) be that at some earlier time, somewhere in the universe, a civilization evolved, PROBABLY by SOME KIND of Darwinian means, PROBABLY(again another assumption) to a very high level of technology, and DESIGNED a form of life that they seeded onto PERHAPS( another speculative comment) this planet. Now, um, now that is a POSSIBILITY( so is winning the lotto) and an intriguing POSSIBILITY( he loves this word) And I SUPPOSE( wow there is a new word) its POSSIBLE that you MIGHT (hmm I see a pattern evolving) find evidence for that if you look at the details of biochemistry, molecular biology, you might find a signature of some sort of designer. ( Really? Its called DNA - the software of life) So who is the designer?? Little green men that do not exist and we cant find? Now this is a script for Steven Spielberg, I love his vivid imagination!!!! Q. Why do aliens only visit idiots in remote isolated areas? SO MANY FACTS its incredible!!! Now Ill ask the question. HOW did life start? WITHOUT using ASSUMPTIONS! My answer is: In the beginning (TIME-past, present & future) God Created (Divine Authorship, NO Assumptions) the Heaven ( SPACE- length, width & height) and the earth. (MATTER- solids, liquids & gases) In ten words, we have three sets of trinities. In Hebrew, its even more amazing, the correlations of the number seven are astounding. Please see link below. Definition of Science:- SCIENCE- The intellectual and PRACTICAL activity encompassing the systematic study of structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through OBSERVATION. Macro-evolution, has NEVER been observed. Bible- Every kind, will bring forth after their kind. This is nothing more than speciation and adaptation. This is what scientists only give evidence for. (Micro-evolution) So they are always showing us what we already know. Then they will go on and use the fallacy of equivocation argument. The good old bait and switch. These 14 finches have various beak sizes, therefore we evolved from a single-celled organism, contrary to the law of biogenesis which states: life can NOT come from non-life. So here, science agrees with the Bible and NOT evolutionary scientists. Put your trust in the infallible word of God, NOT in fallible men and their follies.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 02:18:46 +0000

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