Rising temperatures and increased traffic due to vacationers - TopicsExpress


Rising temperatures and increased traffic due to vacationers result in increased road rage incidents. Tips from the Minneapolis Police. Increased traffic often means longer lines at intersections, highway entrances, and stoplights. Occasionally, drivers’ tempers flare while they are behind the wheel. To avoid being a victim of “road rage,” please consider the following tips: -Obey posted speed limits and traffic laws. Slower traffic keep to right. -Pay attention to the road and other vehicles, not the scenery. -If you see an individual driving recklessly and have a cell phone, call 911 with the location, a description of the car, the license plate number, and direction of travel. (obey local laws when using cellphones while driving.) -Be cautious of other drivers and drive defensively. -Don’t make eye contact with an irate driver. -Don’t confront an upset motorist. -If you are cut off, don’t make any hand gestures to the other motorist. -If you are being chased by another motorist who appears to be in a rage, do not weave in and out of traffic. You could cause harm to yourself, passengers, and other motorists. -If you are being chased, drive with the flow of traffic. If you have a cell phone, call 911. Go to a place where you feel safe. -If you have to pull over, try to go to a well-lit location where there are other people. To avoid “road rage,” remember that safe driving is everyone’s responsibility.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 14:31:50 +0000

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