Ritual Garb by thebudgetwitch Just a little blip before this - TopicsExpress


Ritual Garb by thebudgetwitch Just a little blip before this witch heads off to the land of dreaming. A big thing a lot of practitioners seem to give a lot of thought (and in my humble opinion a lot of unneeded worry) to is ritual “fashion”. Color, cut, etc. are major things considered. Those in the olden days had an easy solution to the budget worries of what to wear for religion and spellwork – skyclad. For those new to the Craft who may be reading this, that means naked. No worry about robes when you’re wearing what the good gods gave ya!! Now we fast forward to modern day, where lighting candles and chanting while naked in your yard may easily end up with the police involved. Or group settings where you may not feel entirely comfortable getting down to your birthday suit. This doesn’t mean that you need to invest a lot of money in a ritual robe and cloak hand sewn and blessed within a circle. (They’re not cheap, I’ve checked.) I understand the special element of ritual clothing but there are really only a few factors you need to consider when deciding what to donn and dedicate to use within your sacred space. Here are the questions to ask yourself as you’re sifting through your closet: 1. Is the fabric suitable for the environment you’ll be practicing in? Example – Velvet might look snazzy, but will you be comfortable in a heated indoor space made even warmer by burning candles while wearing it? Is that thin cotton shift going to keep you warm enough during an outside ritual in late autumn? 2. Is it comfortable? Do you have room to breathe in it? Constricting outfits or uncomfortable fabric textures can distract you when you are trying to focus, meditate, or raise energy. 3. Does it feel right to you? Really not a skirt person? Do you feel most comfortable and true to yourself wearing jeans? Go with a choice that is still true to you and who you are that can still maintain a special element for your magical/religious workings. For example, if you’re setting aside a pair of jeans for exclusive ritual use, take a Sharpie and draw some symbols on the pockets to make it more special to you and your sacred space. If you’ve selected a specific outfit for ritual and ritual only then consider drawing a circle and blessing the clothes for their Purpose in your favorite method to do so then reserve those clothes for your sacred space. If you’re like me and have an extremely limited wardrobe, you can simply take a few moments to cleanse yourself with sage or herb of choice before beginning your rituals. The point is, what you wear doesn’t matter nearly as much as what your Intent is. There were days when witches (and everyone else for that matter) couldn’t afford more than one set of clothing, so they made do. So, just because your budget doesn’t allow for fancy finery in sacred space, that doesn’t matter! Your fabulous witchery isn’t dictated by the clothes (or the lack thereof) on your body. Shine on, beautiful! Blessed budgeting and Blessed Be! ☽✪☾ Heather ☽✪☾
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 06:24:41 +0000

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