Rivertons Ducks Feet Halloween Woman Speaks Out. Children given - TopicsExpress


Rivertons Ducks Feet Halloween Woman Speaks Out. Children given ducks feet while trick or treating Please share, copy and paste. First off I would like to explain exactly what did happen Halloween night and the time leading up to it. Where I grew up, when we were kids for many years there was this haunted house that gave out chicken feet every Halloween. The next day at school we would all talk about what we had scored and the favorite of all time was by far the chicken feet. As Halloween is my favorite season I have many amazing memories of those times. I share the story every season with friends and strangers, still, and always wanted to continue the the safe slightly gross trick custom. This year I came across a hunter discarding his cleaned duck remains. To me it seemed a waste to not use as much of the birds as possible and had the perfect use for them with Halloween coming up. I quickly cleaned them and froze them. All of Sept and Oct i told everyone I could in the community of my alternative Halloween trick, at the store, gas station, school, on the street, feeling out peoples reactions, all were supportive if a little grossed out, but in the creepy crawly sort of way. I spoke to many kids too who were thrilled. And parents who were understanding and supportive. So Halloween came and we expected to leave before trick or treating, but apparently here it starts at 4:30, which I didnt know being new in town. We had no candy and only the ducks feet that i only had 10-12 of. I had planned to hand the ducks feet out to friends kids. But these kids were here, all dressed up, a bunch of boys 9-11ish. I told them to wait and ran to the freezer. I can back and said this year I have a trick, a ducks foot. I told them the story of the chicken feet and offered them each a ducks foot in their hand not their bag. The boys looked at them and asked if they were real. I said yes, dont eat them again. They lit up and were so excited showing each other and bouncing around. That having gone well I handed out the rest of the feet in the same way only dropping a foot into one bag of a neighbor girl I know who has explored creepy crawlies with my 5 year old boy. Being a butcher for the past decade and understanding proper meat preservation and care, as well as the fact that candy is sealed and wrapped I didnt wrap the feet knowing that the wrapping would be discarded immediately within a few houses and the foot could be held then put in the car, or if the kids were cool with it their bag like we always did with our chicken feet. It was not my intention at all to play a cruel joke or ruin Halloween, just the opposite. I did it for the kids and they all seemed thrilled. I have spoken to many kids in the school and they are also thinking the feet so cool and not creepy at all, and I in fact have a flood of requests. I wish I had more for them, this is a hunting community in duck and goose season and while many kids have played with ducks and geese, few get to explore their feet. This is educational as the kids can not only see, feel, move and touch it, but they can bend them too, seeing movement. With the chicken feet if there was a tendon exposed it could be pulled to curl the toes. And fowl have no blood flow to their feet which is why they can stand on ice and not freeze. I will admit that as a kid our moms all squirmed about it, playfully or truely, but encouraged us all. And the dads played up the mom then waited until she wasnt looking for his turn to play with it. This is a small town and of all the parents of kids I gave feet to none have approached or come to me. As a mom of two Im always open to discussion. In fact aside from someone who filled me in about this fb drama, not one other person has approached me or asked me about it, except associates being targeted for my actions unfairly. This whole thing has been misunderstood by a few who are speaking out without getting the facts, and fueled by a particular person with whom I have an entangled long history. I am now being judged and seen as a psycho compared to those who put razor blades in candy, chased out of town like a witch trial. That is not who I am. My name is Karissy, and I am a loving mother of two. My favorite holiday is Halloween in the good old fashioned kids way. I make my man take his wolf mask off to not scare the kiddies. I believe in the Tim the tool man Taylor Halloween with creepy crawlies and spook but not fear and shock and morbidity. this custom ties in some of my favorite childhood memories that i wanted to give to other kids, because kids really do love it and that is what the holiday is about. They will tell this story every year as the coolest score, they will tell their kids and grand kids in a fond way. So this nonesense and outrage will not matter. It is done. I am sorry that my judge of the communities reaction was wrong and i have caused this drama. I am sorry for the people connected to me whose families and businesses are being hurt and targeted by those who dont even know the story, since this is my fist time telling it. It is not fair to them as this was all me, and an honest mistake. Some being targeted are past relations I no longer have ties to even. However this has gone far enough with the slander and defamation of myself, and for even a part of a community to act as such is a symptom that is being recognized. While you talk on fb amounst eachother i talk to the people direct. I have yet to come across a single person upset with my actions, but all are upset with this reaction and unnessessary drama, stirred for the simple fact that there is nothing better to talk about at the moment. And all my supporters are not willing to waste the time on such nonesense as to cause a scene as a select few have against me. With that being said im not looking to waste my time either. I am happy to discuss respectfully, and answer any kindly put questions i can. I felt the full story should be out there for each person to judge. So i leave you with this. Would it be an issue to give out other things, like shells, rabbits foot keychains, peacock or other feathers, leather bookmarks, easter eggs? And in the end it is after all trick or treat.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 05:19:24 +0000

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