Rob Ford has to quit Public · By Mark Ferris Andrew Mittag - TopicsExpress


Rob Ford has to quit Public · By Mark Ferris Andrew Mittag Frank states ford lies to every citizen`s face...he probably does. So, how is it that ford garners more media attention than the ontario government, who collectively have been lieing to every citizens face while occupying public office with much more long lasting and detrimental outcomes, (squandering billions of tax payers dollars; adding to debt and deficit; killing job creation and worth, just to cling to power) not only for the majority of their pathetic power base in toronto, but for the rest of the province; the majority of which reject the ontario liberal party. Not a fan of the federal conservatives or the ndp either, but to call the liberals the natural governing party? No thank you, you can believe the flawed unworkable political theories your high school, college teachers and/or university professors fed you. Why attack someone for their grammatical and spelling errors? Does that, in some typical arrogant way, make you feel superior? All the hopelessly blind ideologues out their should give their heads a shake and think about each party in power, and what their real interests are; not you or me, unless you are financially driving their political party; which the majority cannot afford to do. In the grand scheme, the media bias and circus bombarding us constantly about rob ford, is nothing but a carefully planned distraction.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 23:02:07 +0000

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