Rob Stone So I have to share the drama that’s been going on - TopicsExpress


Rob Stone So I have to share the drama that’s been going on for the past few months. I finally learned how it all played out. I was wondering why many jws in a certain Kingdom Hall were all upset. Some years back a jw sister in her 50s lost her jw husband and married a Non-jw man. (Key word-Worldly Man.) The jw sister has three children. Two are elders and the daughter is married to an elder. They are the type of jws that if you even mention that you have seen a R-rated movie, you are married to the devil. (You know the kind I’m talking about.) So all Hell broke loose when the Mother married this Worldly man who was in his late 70s. Why did she marry him? There were all kinds of speculations in the congregation and behind the back talking and snickering. Also, a few local needs talks on “Marrying Only In The Lord” You know what those talks are all about. (Buy a Chasity Belt and throw away the Key) But here is the real deal. In the WT organization the chances of a 50 some year old sister finding a brother who will marry her is about as slim as a young hot lady having a drink with Bill Cosby and going home that same night wide awake. So a Worldly man did the Rico Suave thing on her and guess what, She went for it. Now something to consider is that not many worldly men are into part time janitorial work so they can pioneer. And that was the case with this Worldly man. He was Loaded! I’m not sure what he did during his life but he moved his new jw-wife into his 500-600k home. And bought his new wife a Lexus for her field service. He loved his wife. Everyone was used to seeing this jw sister drive this old car with a primed fender. But now she would drive into the Kingdom Hall on a white Lexus. He was always taking his wife to breakfast, dinners just about every day of the week. Then there were the vacations all year around all over the nice safe places in the world. This caused a lot of marking, and looking down on the wife because she missed too many meetings and was not as regular in field service. (The key word is SPIRITUAL WEAK, NOT GOOD ASSOCIATION) like if that mattered to the wife. This man was a nice kind man and did not understand why his Wife’s children were against their marriage. None of them attended the wedding. He didnt understand this. He thought they would be happy their mother found someone that loved her. The man would buy the children Birthday presents and they would return them to the man. He would buy them Christmas presents and they would return them to the man. He would invite them to huge Thanksgiving dinners and the children would refuse. Etc. It wasn’t long before the man accompanied his wife to the Kingdom Hall. Eventually one of the elders was able to start a study with the man and in a little over a year he was baptized. The man was very generous and was always helping the friends with money and would donate funds for carpet, repairs, etc. But the children still did not accept him. They thought he got baptized just for the wife. No long after this the wife got real sick and died. The man got real depressed and also got real sick. From what I was told the children didn’t visit him during his depression and sickness. But the Jws in his congregation did visit him regularly. Eventually the man died. None of the male children wanted to conduct the funeral talk. And only the daughter’s husband (who was not a fleshly relative) attended the funeral talk. The man had no “Living Children” So everyone was wondering who was going to keep the house, and cars. And everyone wondered what else the man owned. Well I found out this week that after the wife died the man had his lawyer rewrite his will. He left several million dollars to the Watchtower Society plus the house and cars. He left a million to the Kingdom Hall that he attended. Now here is where it gets interesting. I guess the WTS found out the Kingdom Hall had inherited 1 mil. Guess what? Kingdom Halls can’t keep that money with the new light that came out recently. So the congregation that inherited the 1 million dollars had to turn all that money to the WTS. The brother who told me the story said, “Imagine we opened a bank account with a million dollars and deposited the money. They in less than a few weeks we had to close the account because the money was transferred to Headquarters. They know that’s the way it works but they were hoping to be able to keep some of the money to do some remodeling work that was sorely needed. But the kingdom hall was refused. (Mother Knows Best) Some of them are now thinking seriously. He also left a letter to the children. These are not the exact words but I was told it went something like this, I THINK I FINALLY UNDERSTAND WHY YOU ALL NEVER ACCEPTED ANY OF MY GIFTS. YOU WERE ALL TRYING TO TEACH ME AN IMPORTANT LESSON. AND THAT LESSON IS TO SEEK JEHOVAH’S KINGDOM FIRST AND HE WILL PROVIDE ALL OTHER THINGS. I TOLD YOUR MOM I WANTED TO LEAVE YOU ALL MY ASSETS. BUT NOW I REALIZE THAT THE KINGDOM COMES FIRST. THANKS FOR TEACHING ME THAT LESSON. (Hebrews 13:5, 6) . . .Let [YOUR] manner of life be free of the love of money, while YOU are content with the present things. For he has said: “I will by no means leave you nor by any means forsake you.” 6 So that we may be of good courage and say: “Jehovah is my helper;. . . The children are furious because financially speaking, they all struggle. Thats what you get for being Unkind and mean to someone who is trying to be nice to you. What a great story. (I think so. Maybe some will wake up)
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:23:05 +0000

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