Robertson on ISIS: Id Rather Preach Jesus to Them, But If Its A - TopicsExpress


Robertson on ISIS: Id Rather Preach Jesus to Them, But If Its A Gunfight They Want…Im Prepared for Both ...either convert them or kill them. Making the rounds pitching his new book UnPHILtered: The Way I See It, Duck Dynasty, patriarch Phil Robertson stopped by Hannity on Fox News Tuesday and gave the only two options he believes are available in handling ISIS -- convert them or kill them. Robertsons segment was more of a Bible study than a talking points appearance, as he spent much of the airtime quoting Scripture. In fact, Robertson had his Bible there on the desk and gave host Sean Hannity and his viewers a mini-sermon. The passage, which was conveniently marked with a Declaration of Independence bookmark as Robertson pointed out, was Proverbs 8:35-36. Robertson preached: Listen to this, Sean. Solomon -- one of the wisest men on Earth, if not the wisest -- hes speaking of wisdom: Whoever finds me -- wisdom -- finds life -- watch -- and receives favor from The Lord. But whoever fails to find me -- this is the God of the Bible -- harms himself. Now, listen to this on this ISIS thing: All who hate me love death. So you scratch your head and you say, Well, why is it that when were not even over there in the Middle East, why do they continue to slaughter each other when were not even on the premises? They cant blame us, we left Iraq. You say, What happened in Egypt and Syria, you say, Libya -- they just slaughter each other. You say, what? All who hate me love death, Sean. What is the answer? Hannity then asked, explaining he believes that most Americans want piece, but feels that ISIS has made itself clear: they are at war with us whether we like it or not. Robertson put in his two cents: You either have to convert them -- which I think would be next to impossible. I’m not giving up on them, but I’m just saying, either convert them or kill them. One or the other. Robertson went further saying that with ISISs street thugs on steroids mentality and brutal path of destruction, conversion is probably a lost cause. Therefore, he says, the only way to deal with them is fighting fire with fire: Id rather have a Bible study with all of them and show them the error of their ways and point them to Jesus Christ, the author and perfecter of having your sins removed and being raised from the dead. I would rather preach the Gospel of Jesus to them. However, if its a gun fight and a gun fight alone -- if thats what theyre looking for -- me personally, Im prepared for either one.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 16:04:53 +0000

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