Robs Wine Journey July 8, 2013 - Carlsbad CA Hello Everyone. I am - TopicsExpress


Robs Wine Journey July 8, 2013 - Carlsbad CA Hello Everyone. I am supposed to be at the “Hacienda” in Tijuana Mexico today (Mexican IRS) to renew my Mexican work visa. However the appointment never finalized and I am now waiting for my CPT (Mexican CPA) to reschedule the appointment. Hopefully tomorrow (Tuesday). The paperwork in Mexico for foreigners with permanent Visas and work Visas can be frustrating at times. Such is life. Some things you can not control and the wise person recognizes these and does not try. They just see the humor in the whole situation and move on to things they can control. The French actually have a great saying for it and if all people would say this every day the world would be a better place.....”C’est la Vie”.... Such is Life! One of my past professors at UC Davis once wrote that “knowledge is power”. While I can not disagree with this statement, knowledge does have its limits. I have a few friends that have an extreme amount of knowledge. They have a very high level of education. They have a extreme amount of training. However from my point of view and from my reference (remember the submarine.... you have no idea what direction you are traveling in unless you have a point of reference)... Anyway from my point of reference they have an extreme amount of knowledge, education and training, but they are in a deep, dark hole and are not happy. Knowledge and training can not pull somebody out of a deep dark hole. In fact it is the exact opposite because if one looks at that knowledge and training and unless everything is perfect and in line with their carefully thought plan, they just sink deeper and deeper into that dark hole. There is only one way out of that deep dark hole. It is the power of love, passion and spirit. These three qualities forces one by nature to reevaluate themselves every day to make sure they still have those qualities. They make you adjust your life’s plan on the run in a real time way to maximize the love, passion and spirit they have in their lives. Love, passion and spirit are a rope ladder that can help someone out of a great abyss and into the light of a new exciting day. And everyday is exciting if you look at it correctly. If one tires to look at life with a slide rule and a measuring tape against a pre-conceived inflexible plan that was created long ago they will seldom be happy because they are looking at their glass as being 1/2 empty. With this philosophy they will almost always be 1/2 empty. Your glass is not 1/2 empty. It is 1/2 full. You can always strive to fill that glass and working hard to fill that glass is important. However everything is relative and that glass will never be completely full. The power of love, passion and spirit is limitless. If you combine that with the power of knowledge then you have an unbeatable combination. Qualities that can never be defeated. I wish people would use the phrase “C’est la Vie” more often. Because even with the best knowledge and planning, things change and do not go as planned. When that occurs, the wise man sits back and say’s that phrase from the “serenity prayer”...... “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,The courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.”
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 15:33:13 +0000

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