Rock Hard 6 Pack Abs and Bulging Biceps in 6 Weeks! Or some - TopicsExpress


Rock Hard 6 Pack Abs and Bulging Biceps in 6 Weeks! Or some variation is usually the headline for Fitness or Mens Health magazine. As a young teen I grew up ashamed of my body. My chubbiness, man boobs poking through my shirt, being teased and bullied. I looked nothing like the army of shredded vascular men on that gleamed the covers of my dusty Mens Health magazines I had stockpiled on my desk. These were my inspirations. I never really followed the diet side of things properly. Id buy myself a magazine, read how I too could get these AMAZING RESULTS and each time I got myself a new gym membership... went a little while.. then quit.. Rinse. Repeat. I continued this cycle for this for most part up into my early twenties. (because if it doesnt work the first time, I had to make sure it didnt work by trying it again.. and again... ) Bigger Arms this... 8-Pack Abs that... Well they certainly dont belong to me.. despite being in the best damn shape and having the healthiest year of my life. Cycling to and from work, training crossfit anywhere from 4-6 days a week, playing indoor soccer and eating decently. BUT.... The difference is now is... I keep fit for ME... Not to fit in... Im no longer ashamed of my body. In fact I love it and the inner confidence that has come with it. I feel even more myself... I love the daily challenge of pushing myself in new ways. I love the fact that I get to sweat it out with a community of healthy conscious people. I love how it is fun to compete against yourself. Making a new personal best. TL;DR Love your body for how it is. Get fit for you, not to fit in and youll be on the path to a happier healthier you.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 06:01:50 +0000

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