Rocky and I cannot express in words how thankful we are to have so - TopicsExpress


Rocky and I cannot express in words how thankful we are to have so many people praying for our daughter Kristina. We both have grown up in church our whole lives and know the power of prayer. We have heard testimony after testimony of how the Lord has answered prayers. Please dont get me wrong, the Lord has answered many prayers for our family but I have to say that today we have a testimony to share with others about how Jehovah-Rapha is working miracles in our daughters fight with cancer. The past couple of months have been rather normal, as a sweet friend Lisa would say our new normal. Kristina started her long journey of chemotherapy that consists of every other week being admitted for 5 days one week to 2 days the next. It has not been an easy ride but much more tolerable than the first 6 weeks. She still has side effects from chemo that, if you have never been around anyone who has undergone chemo, you would never expect. She is so strong, even though she complains and rightly so, I dont know how she does it. When we are not in-patient for chemo we are traveling back to St. Jude a couple of times a week for blood work. In many instances her counts have dropped below the threshold and that keeps us there for several more hours for blood transfusions. She has battled several neutropenic fevers that requires us to go inpatient for a minimum of three days. So far her lungs have been stable and NO MORE CHEST TUBES!!! We just completed our 18th week of the protocol and so last week was a busy week. She had scans after Scans after SCANS. We met with the Radiation Oncologist, Dr. Krasin last week and they began her body molds for radiation that will begin next week. We went in this morning for our normal blood work and then went to the clinic to meet with Dr. Alexander and Dr. Pappo, as usual, to get the results and to discuss the next 10 weeks of chemo and radiation. To my surprise we got the results of her scans. Let me be really honest with you, I expected to hear them say we still see the nodules but they are decreasing in size but instead we heard THE CHEMO IS WORKING AND THERE ARE NO SIGNS OF ANY NODULES IN EITHER LUNG. Dr. Alexander said that when he read the radiologists report he had to double check that they were looking at Kristinas lungs. Praise God they were. Miracles do happen. Dr. Alexander did mention that in the report there was a notation of a dilated vein. He thinks this actually may be some scar tissue that is up next to the vein but will consult with him further this afternoon. He is not alarmed by this at all. Kristina still has a long road ahead of her. They will continue chemotherapy, and she will undergo 2 rounds of 45 days each of radiation. The first being the Vena Cava where the cancer from her kidney had began to grow and the next round on her lungs. She will also repeat the window therapy chemo that was first given to her because there was enough positive response from the cancer cells. She is a little anxious about this because this was what made her so sick. Please continue to pray for her as I know you will. As many of you know, we lost my dad last month. My mom is doing very well but also please continue to pray for her and all the many firsts that she will be facing. Here is just another reminder for me that God is in full control and knows best ALWAYS. I am so grateful that we were able to be here together as a family to support my Mom. Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 20:16:49 +0000

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