|| Roleplay open to one male or female || Romance & Drama || No - TopicsExpress


|| Roleplay open to one male or female || Romance & Drama || No one-liners!~ Semi para / para only !! || Feel free to PM me a response as well! (even if this RP is taken by someone else! ) || (Short Bio: Tameeka lived in Australia until she was 14 years old, then they moved to the states. Shes been in a house fire that nearly ended her whole familys lives. She has a bad attitude, and is rather sarcastic, and sometimes even mean. She plays guitar, and writes her own lyrics. ) Tameeka sighed as she looked out the window, her head leaned against the cool glass. She was being sent away to her Uncles for the Summer, while her Mother and Father go to South Africa to study a new species. She didnt quite like the idea, her Uncle was ... strange. His house was filled with taxidermy animals, and strange old books in different languages. The kids of the town were scared of him, and called him an old wizard, that rose from the dead after being burned. But no, Tameeka knew where his burns came from, because she had some of her own. It was a house fire when she was just a child. Everyone was lucky enough to get out alive, but with some scars. Because of this, Tameeka was blind in her left eye. Goodbye sweet heart. Her Mother said with a smile, waving goodbye as they drove off, leaving her to stare up at the large, somewhat creepy mansion. Here goes nothing. Tameeka whispered to herself, rolling her eyes as she pulled her bag over her shoulder. Soon enough, her Uncle had greeted her, and shown her around the large mansion. He showed her to her room, and helped her get set up. Soon enough, he had shooed her out of the house to go explore the small town, while he got Dinner ready. Tameeka walked down the steps, then the long side walk, kicking away the Autumn leaves as she did. Her Uncles house wasnt as bad as she remembered it as a kid. She was seventeen now, and things didnt seem so scary to her. But those taxidermy heads still gave her the chills. She hugged her arms slightly with a soft smile. Maybe things wouldnt be so bad this summer. She kept her guitar strapped to her tightly, along with her binder in her satchel.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 10:40:23 +0000

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