Romans 11:36 For everything comes from him and exists by his power - TopicsExpress


Romans 11:36 For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen. God is the source of all that exists. God sustains all things and gives everything purpose and movement. God is the purpose for which all things exist. All things. Think of it! That includes your current situation. That includes what you cannot figure out. That includes your loss of employment. That includes your promotion. That includes the blessing of your family. That includes the loss of your precious loved one. That includes the bewildering test you’re enduring. That includes whatever situation you happen to be in right now, regardless of how painful or how pleasant it might be. All things. God does not conceal Himself. Nor does He hide His will. If we do not see, it is because we are looking for something He is not. If we do not understand, it is because we have expectations He chooses not to fulfill. But those limitations are ours, not His. Nevertheless, many questions go unanswered. How is God’s kingdom already here, but not yet fully? Why does He allow evil to continue while His elect suffer dreadful and cruel persecution? At what point in the future will He fulfill all of His covenant promises to the believers? How does someone rejoice in his or her affliction? On and on … Like you, I have a list of questions I would like to ask the Lord when I get to heaven. But then,I suspect it won’t mean very much when I see Him. At that time, it will all make sense. So why worry over my list of unanswerable questions? Why not worship Him here and now, on this side of eternity, and let His unsearchable mercy,His unfathomable wisdom, and His unmatched character be enough? Is this not a reasonable sacrifice considering that He is God and I am not?
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 19:17:44 +0000

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