Romans 5:17 NLT For the sin of this one man, Adam, caused DEATH - TopicsExpress


Romans 5:17 NLT For the sin of this one man, Adam, caused DEATH to RULE OVER MANY. But even greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of righteousness, for ALL WHO RECEIVE IT will LIVE IN TRIUMPH OVER SIN AND DEATH through this one man, Jesus Christ. Adam’s sin brought the whole of humanity into darkness. Man was now a slave of evil - satan, sickness , disease, lack, lose, physical death, divorce , malice etc. But the good news is, THAT IS NOT SO ANY MORE. There is a group that is free from the hold of death and in fact they have become masters over death by the power of the life that is on Christ. see the same verse in kjv. Romans 5:17 For if by one mans offence DEATH REIGNED by one; much more THEY WHICH RECEIVE ABUNDANCE OF GRACE AND OF THE GIFT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS SHALL REIGN in life by one, Jesus Christ. Death has reigned. Death was our master. Now we have been set free. We are masters over sin and death. We live triumphant lives in Christ Jesus. Sin, sickness, disease, lack, death etc can not exercise authority over me. I am the new Lord and master. I reign, I rule and I have dominion over the forces of death. share this truth with someone today. Bring someone to Christ so they too can become masters over death. Have a splendid day.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 11:55:19 +0000

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