RossHealer Hi. My name is Ross Pittman. That’s me on the left. - TopicsExpress


RossHealer Hi. My name is Ross Pittman. That’s me on the left. I am a practitioner of The Reconnection® and Reconnective Healing, trained by Eric Pearl and staff in November 2011. You can read about my journey to becoming a healer on the “About Ross” page, and see what some of my clients have to say about my work on the “Testimonials” page. In addition, I was interviewed by Alexis Brooks for CLN Radio regarding my path to becoming a healer and my experiences with Reconnective Healing, which you can listen to HERE. Know that my purpose is to help you restore balance and feel your best physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. If you are ready to proceed now with a healing session, just follow the three-step process on the right. SEE BELOW: STEP 1: Schedule Your Appointment STEP 2: Make a Donation via PayPal (Suggested Donation: $35-$75 ) STEP 3: Submit Your Photo & Contact Info ~ The Reconnection® and Reconnective Healing ~ We live in a world where we are bombarded by external messages about what we should do, who we should be, and how we should function. Given this acculturation, those seeking balance and harmony often end up running frantically from one doctrine to another, in search of someone else’s answers. With The Reconnection®, however, the inter-connectedness of every human being is acknowledged and the humility of not knowing all the answers. From this place, we offer an alternative vision for walking through the world: The Reconnection® principle is simple, and the outcome is revolutionary: There is a healing power that transcends the limitations of human ability and imagination. By opening to it, without preconceived agendas, we are able to restore balance and harmony in our lives and, as such, transform our bodies, hearts, minds, and souls in ways that otherwise may seem impossible. To learn more about what I do, please download and read this brochure Activate Your Healing . To see an example of what can be done with Reconnective Healing, watch this amazing video clip from the documentary “The Living Matrix” showing Eric Pearl working on a young Greek boy with cerebral palsy – with incredible (and heartwarming) results: Dr. Eric Pearl - PHOTO ~ How It Started ~ Dr. Eric Pearl, the founder of the Reconnection, was a successful chiropractor in L.A. whose clients began to have new, unusual and completely unexpected experiences on his table, resulting in profound healings. Dr. Pearl’s book, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, tells the often funny story in detail, and shows how to begin to “play” with the frequencies. You can also watch video clips HERE that will help you understand more about this work. In addition, you can watch this video of Eric Pearl on the Dr. Oz Show. Finally, as editor of ConsciousLifeNews, I had the opportunity to interview Eric Pearl in February, 2013. You can watch my interview with Eric HERE. ~ Frequently Asked Questions ~ 1. Do you heal specific conditions? I do not actually do the healing. But, I am a grateful part of the equation—a catalyst, if you will, for what occurs. The less I know about what you are challenged with, the better. That being said, Reconnective Healing can help with any type of need, whether it’s physical, spiritual, mental or emotional (or some combination thereof). The intelligent universe knows exactly what you need and does the work. Yet there are no guarantees. Three people with the same cancer diagnosis (for example) might experience three very different outcomes. If one client is healed of the cancer and another of deep emotional wounds, is the second case a failure? And, what if the third client merely experiences peace with their condition for the first time? Isn’t that a positive outcome? As much as possible, come to your sessions in an open and receptive state, and without any specific outcomes in mind. It’s certainly understandable that you might wish for a particular healing, and if I could wave a magic wand and make it so, I would. But this is an experience that takes place between you and the universe, and how it will reveal itself cannot be predicted or controlled. 2. How do I sign up for a session? Step 1: Click on the “Schedule Now” to the right (at the top of the right-hand column). Step 2: Click on the “Donate” button located immediately below the “Schedule Now” button and make a donation via PayPal. The suggested donation is in the $35-$75 range . Step 3: Click on the “Submit Photo and Contact Info” button below the “Donate” button. Be sure to upload a photo that clearly shows your face, preferably with your eyes open. This helps me to connect energetically. If possible, I like to chat briefly with clients via phone or Skype both before and after the session. So, please also enter you phone number or Skype name if you can. 3. How much Reconnective Healing will I need? Plan for one to three sessions. 4. Can I come back for periodic tune-ups? That normally isn’t necessary. Three sessions are enough. Think of this as the gift that keeps on giving! An exception might be if something rather significant were to occur down the road that impacts your well-being, and you feel you’d benefit from another session. 5. How do you do Reconnective Healing from a distance (remote healing)? First of all, know this: distance is NOT a factor. Reconnective Healing works just as well from a distance as it does in person. I normally begin by connecting with the client for a few minutes via phone or Skype in order to answer any questions that they might have. After we hang up , I focus on an image of the client and make a heart connection. I then proceed as if the client is in the room with me – lying on my table. I strongly feel an energetic connection in my hands as I move them around and above the client. The session lasts 25-30 minutes. If possible, I then call or Skype the client to hear about their experience. 6. How does this differ from an in-person session? I do exactly the same process either way. The only difference is that one of us has to travel for an in-person session. 7. I’m still not clear on the difference between Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection. Can you explain that further? Reconnective Healing is the first step. The energy moves through me as I work with it above and around your body. Dr. Pearl says that there is some small part of reconnecting that begins with the healing sessions, but the focus truly is on healing on all levels. Plan for at least one session (and up to three) before arranging your Reconnection (though that’s not set in stone). Once balance is restored, we can move on to the next step, which is the Reconnection. During the two-day process, I move my hands over a very specific sequence of meridian lines and calibration points, while still using Reconnective Healing frequencies. You need to come two days in a row for a Reconnection. Day One begins the process and Day Two seals it. I consider this to be the evolutionary aspect of this work that continues to unfold over your lifetime. The emphasis is on reconnecting…to ourselves, to the Earth, and to God/Source/Universe. And it encourages the light and the information to flow directly to you for optimal communication, like a circular feedback system. 8. What sort of things will I experience on the table? You might simply feel a deep sense of relaxation and peace. It’s possible that you’ll “go under” almost immediately. Some people appear to be sleeping with all the traits of taking a nap (snoring and snuffling sounds, rapid eye movement, etc.) and yet, they tell me that they were still aware of what was going on in the room. Falling asleep (it happens!) doesn’t stop the process, but your experience of it will naturally be different than if you’re alert. Indicators of the frequencies at work (the registers) can be dramatic at times and at others, almost nonexistent. Twitching, breathing fluctuations, rapid eye movement, varied bodily jerking, swallowing, stomach gurgling, visual experiences, changes in taste, temperature change, hearing things, smelling things, feeling unusual sensations and much more have been reported by my clients. But here’s the thing: active, visible registers do not necessarily equate to more profound results. Please be open to the possibility that your session may be uneventful. That doesn’t mean that nothing happened. 9. If I don’t experience anything while I’m on the table, will I still see results later? Usually within a short period of time following the session, you will begin to notice certain shifts. It could happen in a few hours or a few days. Pay attention to how you feel, whether you’re responding to things differently, whether in any area of your life things are easier and less stressful. Shifts can be blatantly obvious, and they can be subtle yet still profound. 10. What if I don’t feel anything after the first session? And if I do experience a result, will it last? The three sessions tend to build on each other. Don’t give up…see the process through. It sometimes takes the full three sessions before you notice the results of healing frequencies. The results do tend to last. As mentioned, what you experience will change and evolve over time. Deeper and deeper changes are possible as time continues, without a need to return for further sessions. 11. Is this for real? I’m a bit afraid. There’s really nothing to fear. This work is real, it’s wonderful, and it can transform lives. Listen to your own heart. You are well equipped to determine if this is the right choice for you. Disclaimer: Ross Pittman makes no representations or warranties regarding medical diagnosis and/or medical treatment, and neither is he diagnosing nor treating specific health challenges. You are solely responsible for your own medical care. Do not discontinue medications unless approved by your physician. rosshealer/
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 02:31:18 +0000

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