Royal Barotseland Administrator General Afumba Mombotwa Names - TopicsExpress


Royal Barotseland Administrator General Afumba Mombotwa Names Provisional Government Fellow compatriots, citizens of Barotseland. This is the year of jubilee, the year of liberty for the people of Barotseland, as written in Leviticus 25. Let all the Barotzish rejoice and blow trumpets throughout the land to the glory of God. 50 years of servitude is over. Let the land be filled with praises. Remember post liminium, the doctrine of the Roman law, that persons captured by the enemy, were on their return deemed to revert to their original status and do not commit any offense. This does apply to us. The doctrine has been adopted by international law as a rule by which persons, property, territory tend to revert to their former conditions. Our original status is that of a country recognized internationally. In this regard, I wish to urge the people of Barotseland to distinguish between what is negotiable and what is not, what is disputable and what is not. Inter alia We cannot debate what we are or our identity. Brethren, this is a crucial moment in the history of Barotseland and I have to say it once more: this is the season of redemption, though thousands are in the valley of decision. However, none can set the clock backwards. Surely being people endowed with conscience and reason and by the spirit of discernment and as a people with logic, we discovered that by implication of law, Barotseland that is free legally is still tied up to the apron strings of Zambia politically. Really we know that political expedience, in practice operates to limit the working of the legal rule. That is how Barotseland was destroyed. It is startling that Mr. Kaunda who said these words: The government (His) has no wish to interfere with the day to day running of the internal affairs of Barotseland on 6th August, 1964 after signing a treaty is the same Mr. Kaunda who appointed a committee that met to devise a scheme to rob us of our sovereignty in 1965. Since nobody can associate liberty with mal incarné, that is acts which are wrong in themselves, we cannot go to court to claim Barotseland because that is where we live, that is where we grow our food, draw water, gather wood and build houses. What is true is that decisive measures and steps have been taken to make Barotseland politically free and what should be known is that where independence and reversion are concerned there is no argument, no debate, no dispute, no controversy and no court case. One thing that we can assure the people is that Barotseland shall be ruled by the rule of law that is a climate of legality. From now henceforth, a situation where powers are delegated to people in trust not arbitrary control. Our task is to re-establish a strong foundation of the rule of law that was destroyed by Zambia in our society. Note: no revolution is based on legality. All changes in any society are arrangements made by people at a certain point in time when people want change undoubtedly, we are the sole owners of Barotseland. Therefore, let the people rejoice, sing and dance because God is restoring our nation. The provisional Barotseland government comprises the following: There will be the national level, regional level, district level, county level. Vital ministries are not according to Zambian creation. Some officers may be redeployed and reshuffled. There will be various jobs and employment. The starting point shall be the establishment of the Central Bank of Barotseland and source of money shall be: Loans – Countries do borrow money for developmental projects Another source of money is Grants (that is money from donors) – Donors do give money on compassionate grounds Natural resources – Money can be realized from exploited natural resources Printed or minted – Every country has its own currency To consummate whatever we have been doing in our resolve, I wish to make known publicly the team that will stretch their hands to serve the people. This is a team of people who are not boastful but people who are down-to-earth and approachable. P. Like shall be the vice administrator general M. Mwaluka - secretary of state for home affairs P. Mashekwa - secretary of state for defense M. Mwenda - secretary of state for international affairs A. Inambao – secretary of state for finance M. Maliwa – secretary of state for trade and commerce K. Nalumino – secretary of state for health and hygiene L. Pelekelo – secretary of state for agriculture I. Mukubesa – secretary of state for transport and communication M. Namukolo – secretary of state for social development K. Litiya – secretary of state for culture and tradition S. Mukete – secretary of state for information and publicity K. Zambwe – secretary of state for public weights S. Mwendabai – secretary of state for youth and sport Education, mining and exploration is (are) still considered. Ministry of Land - At the moment land is under the custody of the monarch currently. The deputies are: P. Masiye – defense M. Nyati – foreign (international) affairs J. Mashwelo – finance I. Changani – commerce M. Moto – commerce N. Kazungo – culture and tradition M. Mubita – transport and communication S. Kalimukwa – information and publicity Consultation still goes on. Initially, this is the team of people who know who they are and what belongs to them and not a team that want debate. We shall have regional, that is, provincial ministers and permanent secretaries at ministerial and regional level, when delimitation of provinces is over. Governor of the Central Bank of Barotseland - maybe here we shall require an expatriate. Special assistant to the press: S. Lunake Prerogative powers may be described as a common law power derived from the ancient pre imminence of the crown. It is a power which the common law recognizes as exercisable by the king. It is preferable to confine it to common law powers, therefore BRE (Barotse Royal Establishment) shall take their position known by everybody. The church has equally a role to play as the salt of society. All those who have read the emancipation order have admitted that it is a vehicle by which to get back to the original status. Law is the foundation of order. Where there is no law to guide people, there is confusion. The rule of law requires the existence of effective government capable of maintain law and order and ensuring social and economic conditions of life for the society. Anything to do with state revolves around people who are politically organized and not clubs. We are so politically organized that we are able to run our own affairs. Tukongote, Litunga ni lyetu. God bless. Rt. Hon. Afumba Mombotwa - Administrator General, Royal Barotseland Government Editors Note: Audio version here: - See more at: barotsepost/index.php/en/frontnews/local-news/435-royal-barotseland-administrator-general-afumba-mombotwa-names-provisional-government#sthash.6yCRRMho.dpuf
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 07:14:11 +0000

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