Run to the secret place of the Most High God and pray children of - TopicsExpress


Run to the secret place of the Most High God and pray children of God! God is calling for us to watch as well as pray! When we pray God is revealing and exposing what He is doing in the earth and in the land! Not all are warning the ppl of God to get ready for Jesuss return! We must repent of our hidden sins and get rid of the mess that we have been entangled in! God has given us time to turn and repent unto Him! We have seen and heard His warnings and still some continue to commit whoredoms and abominations against God! The sword of The Lord is drawn against the houses who refuse to surrender and repent to God! When God sends out His wrath against the workers of wickedness and evil, His sword will accomplish what He sent it out to do! Remember children of God in the scriptures when God sent the plagues against Egypt and the last plague left no first born of the Egyptians alive, then was the plagues stopped! This judgement and wrath was not the devil, it was God against His enemies! Now is not the time to choose to stand in opposition against The Lord! He has not forgotten the abundance of evil that His enemies have done against Him! Woe unto the enemies of The Lord who have oppressed the least of His ppl for they have done it against Him! The battle of The Lord is already here! We as children of God must be armed and robed in the whole armor of God so that we are identified as soldiers in the Army of The Lord! If our hearts are unclean, then we will be as an enemy against God! The wrath of The Lord has been released upon the household of faith so that the church can turn back to Christ Jesus with their whole heart! God is angry against His church! Not all have walked in the will of God and have excluded Him from their gatherings and services! God is angry against the leaders who are still lying to His ppl and not telling them the truth leaving them to take their word for truth! Many have died listening to the lies of these false leaders and preachers because they did not sound the alarm to warn His children of what was coming! Woe unto the churches who have displeased God and say that we shall be great when in fact, God shall crush them! God shall crush many places of worship that do not line up with His word and the ppl shall scatter to the houses of worship where The Lord dwells! They say that they are untouchable and think that their money shall save it, but The Lord shall reveal and expose the lies told to His ppl to save their lives! No more shall the wicked leaders lie to His sheep, deceiving them and not warning them of their sins and the destruction of the Lord That is coming!!!! Time is drawing near children of God! We must repent and turn to God! Dont wait for the fasts to be called, its time to seek and pray unto The Lord for mercy and repentance for ourselves! We must be so in tune with God that we hear the sound from Heaven to bow down, pray, and repent! Woe unto them who think that they dont have to bow and seek God for mercy! What we are about to see will cause us all to tremble making sure that our own salvation is secure with The Lord! No man shall be able to stand before The Lord in his arrogance and pride! God is humbling the proud and exalting the humble! God is ripping the kingdoms away from them who have been leading His ppl in error! God is stripping bear the houses made of gold and silver whose hearts are far from Him and who have made money and wealth their gods! What shall save them in the day of Gods wrath and judgement?! Repent and pray! Now is the time that we must pray mercy and forgiveness for ourselves and family! Read His Word, it is all coming to pass!!!! May the Lord have mercy on our souls! Jesus reigns forever and ever!!!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 10:54:41 +0000

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