Rusty Egan - Q & A ..... (New Remixed Version) The 12th - TopicsExpress


Rusty Egan - Q & A ..... (New Remixed Version) The 12th October 1979 saw the release of The Skids second album Days In Europa, now celebrating its 35th Anniversary…. The Skids original drummer Tom Kellichan, disillusioned with success, had recently left the band and work had begun on their next album. The Rich Kids had broken up and you were setting up the future at Blitz. Q : How did you join the band and what progress had been already been made on the recordings at that time. RE : Tam fell in Love and eloped with a girl I was told. I met Richard Jobson in Edinburgh on a Rich Kids Tour and we became friends, He came to see me in Notting Hill Gate and we went to a few gigs. Q : Bill Nelson was brought in as producer and The Skids were moving in a new direction, how much influence did Bill and yourself have over the sound of the band moving onwards and was it a harmonious relationship. Bill Simpson says that you did a fantastic job on the album and tour and doesn’t think you get enough credit for your contribution. Can you run through the ideas and recording process of the album. RE : We all got on great Bill was a solid bass Player and just did his parts perfect. and simple Stuart would have Riffs , choppy and hard half worked out at home.. we just played and it was 1st time ideas became the parts. I had also played with Mick Jones Paul and Joe in The Clash before The Rich Kids and was a solid and competent drummer, I liked to keep it solid. I was a fan of his electronic work and he was open to my drum machines and sync ideas plus my massive fat drum sounds so I was very happy… Stuart was totally into Be Bop Delux and could play all the parts from Ships etc…..we were all very happy….Bill knew what we were trying to do and just made it even better…. Reversing the tape on Animation and we created a whole new song when we played along…. That was great … I would run off to London to DJ on a Tuesday and back again to record during the Rockfield sessions, Richard would come and love it, I played Simple Minds a lot Changeling was a fav…. Then back in the studio Richard was open to the synth sounds that Bill was adding to fatten the bass with a Mini Moog . Q : Was the revolutionary acoustic / electric drum style all down to you or was it primarily Bill Nelson’s influence as a producer. RE : This was my drum style and my parts that were created during the writing of the songs in the Dunfermline garage. Q : Is there any studio and live drum tech set up that you would like share with musically minded. RE : I had a Dave Simmonds SDS 3 and I connect via Crystallite Pickups stolen from Public Phone Boxes into my Gretch Drums I removed the heads and put the pick-ups in there added a on and off pedal… I could mix both sounds and even Claps….It was my sound and I argued with everyone to get that sound…. If you listen to the Visage Debut especially The Dancer and Phill Lynott Yellow Pearl , I had my own style and sound…and I knew how to get it, live or in a studio… I also loved Phil Collins on Eno tracks RAF and I loved Television drummer… so electronic and real hard solid drums…also Neu E-Music all Blitz Club Playlists. Q : Besides the album can we hear you on any other tracks, demos or sessions. RE : I played the Tours and we had rehearsals recorded but I don t think so… (Grey Parade?) Q : What did you make of Jobson’s lyrics RE : I was amazed at how many o levels he had and he was very into English Lit … Always was into words… No I had no idea what Thanatos meant like everyone else… Q : Stuart Adamson’s guitar style on the album was evolving, how was Stuart to work with and did Bill Nelson push his talent into new territory. RE : I think Stuart loved me in the band we played for 8 hours a day in that Garage and we jammed and made up stuff as we went along and I am an enthusiastic person and would tell them they were great.. As I was from London and had played with Clash, Glen Midge etc that gave him confidence… Bill also was Impressed, Stuart got all the accolades for his guitar yet Richard the lead singer and lyricist and frontman just remained a member of the band. Q : The inner sleeve of the album has group and solo shots of Richard Jobson, Stuart Adamson and Bill Simpson only and its hard to track down many photos of you with the band, were these pictures all hastily done before you joined. Did you do any press shots with them? It would be great to see some full band pictures from the time. RE : No it was agreed that I would not stay so they were down to a 3 piece and were auditioning when I went to London. I was too into The Blitz , Visage and DJing I had a London Life. I was not going to live in Scotland . Q : During the Rockfield Studios downtime you were committed to be in London and Bill Nelson recalls that Jobson and Adamson used to set up practical jokes in your absense and wait for your return……Did you get your revenge . RE : I have never been a practical joker and with all the stuff I had to do and late nights and catching trains I did not need my new cool PX Trousers legs sewn together as I was heading to London to DJ at 9 00pm. So on the tour I planned that the last gig I would allow the new drummer Mike Bailey to play the Encore , I played Guitar Richard and his brother then had a pile of crap at the stage and started to pelt us all with Fruit and Flour .. So they got me again. Q : Press and TV promotion was under way and a twenty date UK tour was set up, Alistair Moore was brought in on keyboards to fill out the live sound. What was your relationship with rest of the band through that time. Alistair was apparantly getting a hard time on the tour from some elements of the crowds. Do you have any stories to share of life on the road with The Skids. RE : Alistair was not used to a punk Rock audience ready for some stage diving and beer throwing… Also he was kind of dressed for a wedding, that did not help… He was not a cool kid he was a very good keyboard player and we tried to keep him in the back…. I loved Saints and Of One Skin and a few of the first songs that we included on the tour even Charles but sometimes the punks got a bit crazy if the band played the very early stuff and I was not into doing a punk gig, I thought the band were a lot better than Oi music and wanted them to avoid that stuff. We toured a lot and played some amazing shows and I had a few problems telling the soundcrew to make my drums LOUD … I have being down in the mix… The sound needed a SOLID Drummer. I have a few stories like the time we were all dressed in yellow and red and green in Scunthorpe and went for a curry… I said we should stay as the pubs were emptying out.. the boys nah come on we are only 5 mins from the hotel…. I let them go ahead … 3 mins finishing my curry and when I came out about 10 yobs were chasing them …. I was behind so when I came behind I was whacking the yobs from behind one by one I gave them a good kicking as they did not know I was there….. I said to Richard I told you mate pubs close and they look for a fight…. Q : Were you familiar with their output prior to joining or did you have to quickly pick up their back catalogue, how was Tom Kellichan’s style for you to play. RE : Yes I loved Masquerade and The Saints and Of One Skin was very into joining but was also putting Visage together and had The Blitz CLUB SO I WAS BUSY BUSY BUSY… I thought the other drummers were good for the band but I thought I had my own style… Q : Was everyone happy with the final results of the album and in hindsight is there anything that you would change. RE : No it was great , we did have to re record Yankee Dollar at The Manor with Mick Glossop as a Single I don t know why the album was great but Mick was THE man at that time in Virgin and he gave me an amazing Rock Drum Sound and a whole day to do my parts so I was not complaining . Q : Do you have any favourites from the album and live set. RE : Animation and The Olympian Q : Virgin records decided that a new sleeve should be issued and the album should be remixed leading to the Bruce Fairburn second edition, were you consulted over that release or mix. RE : I think it was the Cover Images that was not welcome in Europe, so a complete new release by virgin was planned. Q : Your time with the band was always a temporary arrangement, Mike Baillie took over from you and quotes “The 1st time I played was at the Music Hall In Aberdeen, I was just watching from the wings and Rusty waved me over and I played on Charles for the 1st encore. It was the first time I played on a stage that size, it was very gracious of Rusty to do that.” What did you think of The Absolute Game follow up album and Mike’s drumming style. RE : Nice of Mike not to mention the throwing of the flour etc etc .. yes I thought it would be a nice introduction to the fans to meet the new drummer. As I remained friends I did mix an Armoury Show song but I did not hear anything like DIE from the band after even to play in my DJ Sets… Q : Have Skids tunes ever dropped in to your DJ sets RE : No…. I liked Animation and would have liked to have had an extended mix…. Q : Thanks for taking time to share your memories, is there anything else you’d like to share before you close this chapter. RE : We should do the whole album Live .. That’s what people want. I would love that !!! Rusty Egan 2014
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 23:00:32 +0000

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