SAAT YUNANI BERADA DI BAWAH NAUNGAN KHILAFAH......... GREEK HISTORIAN: OTTOMAN EMPIRE WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL KINGDOM OF THE WORLD The opinion of the Greek historian Prof. Dr. Dimitri Kitsikis that created big controversy beetween famous historians that Ottoman rule was never “a 400 years slavery” period for the Greek culture but just the opposite that made it freely developed and contributed to universal history. Kitsikis says about non-colonial, multinational Ottoman Empire that was under control of a dynasty, one of the longest living in the world and he wants, even if it will take a long time, Turkish and Greek youths reading same history books. He says that “400 years slavery” discourse was the purpose of the western states for their expansionism and he recalls the experience the words of the famous Greek revolutionary Rigas from 18. century: The Ottoman Empire was the praised by all scientists of world, the worlds most beautiful kingdom Dimitri Kitsikis says that “I want this two nation live together again like they were living brotherly during the Ottoman period, it’s my dream for 50 years” and continues: “In Greece it is spoken that after Greece break off from European Union, only Turkey could rescue them. Even radical nationalist Greeks talk about togetherness. Circumstances have made a great change. The declaration of independence from Ottoman Empire in 25 March 1821 means the beginning of the dawnfall rather than freedom.”
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 11:18:28 +0000

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