SACRED MOUNDS AND THE EIGHT GODS OF CREATION: All over the world - TopicsExpress


SACRED MOUNDS AND THE EIGHT GODS OF CREATION: All over the world we see earthen mounds. They have been wrongly dated to be from [mostly] the NEOLITHIC ERA. The wrong dating has happened because the archaeological community have discovered the remains of kings and queens and chieftans dating from the Neolithic era - and wrongly thought that these people were the ones who originally built the mounds. The truth is that the Tumuli and cairns - especially those in Turkey and in Ireland are PRIMORDIAL in origin - they are more than likely to have been started as SYMBOLIC WORSHIP SITES and each mound symbolises the first time that DRY LAND EMERGED FOLLOWING THE GREAT FLOOD. The FLOOD and the process of the earth drying out puts all these TUMULI and MOUNDS much further back - to about 10,000+ years BC. Mounds at UBAID in southern IRAQ contain terracotta masks showing the faces of the so called OGDOAD GODS who are said to have joined their willpower in creating the three primary strains of LIFE: Amphibians, Reptilians and Humanoids. The Mounds were gradually developed into larger sacred sites, the earth was shored up with rock, then hand made bricks were made from mud and the first ZIGGURATS of Iraq developed from these humble mounds. Those Iraqi structures then became PYRAMIDS. The Great Pyramid is actually anchored to the GIZA PLATEAU near CAIRO - and this was probably the first dry area to emerge following the thaw and flood caused by the warming of the planet and the glacial coverage of northern Europe receding. IRELAND has some of the best preserved mounds - all wrongly dated to aprox. 3000 BC. They exist at Bú na Bóinne - the site was first recorded by archaeologists in 1699 and was left open to visitors and vandals until it was excavated and restored in the 1960’s and 1970’s. These Irish CAIRNS, such as Newgrange, face South-East - the rising sun on the morning of the Winter Solstice illuminates the chamber for about 17 minutes from 8:58 to 9:15 AM. Ancient shaman-kings and their queens elevated their position into society by using these mounds as burial chambers. Just like we see in Egypt, the mounds are associated with the idea of the royal-chieftan dead being returned to the earth for re-birth. All cairns including Newgrange have a small opening in the entrance of the cairn and a long narrow passage way that leads to the center. Some have a large standing stone at the entrance - the mound was used as a womb for holding earthen canisters filled with the ashes of the royal chieftans. The large standing stone at the entrance was the penis which represented the male phallus and the WHEEL OF LIFE and HUMAN FERTILITY. It was believed by the ancients that when the sun rays illuminate the stored pots of ashes that the soul of the cremated remains that lay inside were being reborn. The shafts of the Pyramid are thought to have the same function - though there is still no genuine proof that any king or queen was ever buried in the Great Pyramid. I believe that the funeral processions and ceremonies hosted at the pyramids were symbolic - and that the mummified royals were actually then buried in deep vertical shafts at each corner of the pyramids - along with symbolic life-sized models of boats which were provided for the soul to traverse into the SPIRITWORLD. I have been very busy writing a new book all about the eight serpent-frog-humanoid OGDOAD GODS OF CREATION and am happy to send everyone a free copy if they sign-up to the ENIGMA CHANNEL here enigmatv/the_enigma_channel/Sign_Up.html Please be patient while we deal with all the requests - our servers process about 350,000 free iBooks and TV subscriptions per year and we are putting new servers online to deal with the demand. We have been filming inside many of these ancient mounds using tiny butterfly-sized helicopters which have HD cameras onboard. We have made a 42-part TV series about the paranormal and occult significance of these sites in Egypt, Japan, Ireland and also at SILBURY HILL in Wiltshire. We very much appreciate all our subscribers who support our filming expeditions. The archaeological mainstream community HATE WITH VENGEANCE the fact that the higher secrets of sacred rebirth and the OGDOAD GODS have finally been revealed to the general public. Up until now, the significance of the CEREMONIAL MOUNDS AND TUMULI have been a jealously guarded secret - because they are absolute incontrovertible TRUTH that many thousands of years ago the whole of Mankind was united in the worship of the OGDOAD who have many similarities to the Nommos of Africa and the Biblical Nephilim and Watchers and Anunnaki described on the clay tablets discovered at the Library of Nineveh in northern Iraq. You can download for free an iBook TV GUIDE which has clickable links and photos from our expeditions - click here enigmatv/the_enigma_channel/log_in.html
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 07:41:40 +0000

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