SACRIFICES. I say this word and try to taste the feel factors. - TopicsExpress


SACRIFICES. I say this word and try to taste the feel factors. It is a nice word..perhaps. But it also feels like the word slaughter ! I hear the following : oh he sacrificed his life for the country Or.. Parents sacrifice their lives for their children...He sacrificed his life for the Rishis ... Or... Joan of Arc dies for France and sacrificed her life..!!! So what are we to do ?!!!!! Bend over our back and worship them ?!! AT the first place none of us asked them to do things !! Hehe. We fail to understand that the above were the choices made by the respective people involved in the situation. Sometimes they are enforced. BUT..we still have a choice to move away. But some people s ego is boosted when they give up what they love for something that they dont love.. It gives them a satisfaction that they did something !!! I see this in many people !! Whereas it is a simple act of saying.. Sorry, i cannot do this. Because it does not give me joy nor satisfaction !!! We are afraid that we will be called selfish if we go by what feels in the heart and follow it ! Because so much of stigma is attached around caring about self ! If we sacrifice something which gives us great joy and land ourselves in a state of pathos.. we just end up emanating the vibes of pathos ! It does not do good to us nor to the atmosphere around us !! Gone are the days when slaughtering our joys in the name of something/somebody was a great thing ! When we make choices with awareness knowing what we are getting ourselves into...knowing well the consequences..there are NO sacrifices involved. We do not need to be lauded for such actions. But yes.. some acts which rise from the depths of love makes us wonder at its beauty ! I feel sacrifices are a thing of the past. It does not hold good in the new energies where each ones joy is important as every other person s joy. When each of us follow what gives us joy without being hindered..when we learn to respect our choices as well as other people s ... we are well on our way into the light age !
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 04:20:46 +0000

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