SAFETY TIP: PLASTIC GROCERY BAGS/ ANY PLASTIC BAG: Should I start this , Once upon a time…One that’s just not serious enough...What about WARNING….No I don’t want to scare anyone….Guess I will just start at the beginning…I know a woman who’s cat died from suffocation…She like so many I know would let her cat play with these plastic grocery bags, she would first cut the handles so the kitties head wouldn’t get caught in it and strangle to death…but she never imagined what could really happen…She left for work one morning like she always did, gave her fur babies loves, checked the potty box and food/water levels…gave some snugs and watched her kitty play with a plastic grocery bag..(handles cut) …saying “have fun sweetie, see you later”…she left for work…She had no idea her life was about to change forever…Yes friends, she came home to a dead kitty…according to the vets exam…the cat suffocated in the bag…from what they could tell...the tired baby (probably pooed from playing hard) laid down inside the bag, and fell asleep with its face in the corner of the bag…and never woke up…sounds impossible…or maybe you are saying my cat would never do that he/she’s so smart…Really…Are you willing to risk it…Come on folks, these bags were never meant to be toys…If you want to give your babies a crinkle toy, for $7 you can buy a crinkle tube or for $3 to $5 a crinkle block…sold at Walmart, Pet stores and online…is that $.03 piece of plastic really worth a life…A life that you have put your heart and soul into saving, opening your home, wallet, life too…Isn’t your fur baby worth more than that….I’m not writing this to promote any product…just the opposite…I’m trying to educate on the dangers of plastic…you wouldn’t hand a plastic bag to a human infant…DON’T GIVE ONE TO YOUR FUR BABY EITHER! Here’s another tip regarding these plastic bags…I have seen first-hand…were someone has taken one of these plastic bags and , cut the handles, then tied it into many knots…to be given as a chew toy…plastic chew toy…not the right kind of plastic first off…and secondly this is just stupid…hey here ya go chew on this because I’m too cheap or stupid to go to a $.99 cent store and get you a real toy, and yes it’s a tragic story too…an autopsy was done on an older cat who seemed to have passed away from unknown causes, after the exam, the vet came out and explained to the cat owner that the cats bowels were clogged with bits of plastic…as if it had been eating plastic for some time…but he wasn’t sure if this was the cause of death or not…more tests had to be performed… end result was some kind of poisoning along with the blockage cause by ingesting plastic over a long period of time…turns out that this cat owner….had been taking these plastic bags and tying them up into large knots and giving them as toys …cats like dogs love to chew…its good for their gums and teeth…but there is a right way and a wrong way to do things…and this my friends is defiantly the wrong way…I you can’t afford to provide a fur friends with all it needs to live a long happy , loving and safe life…you don’t need you be a pet owner…Owning a pet is a huge responsibility , it’s not a game or a joke or a part time thing to do just because your friends said , “why not get a cat for company”…Being a pet owner is a LIFE time commitment…not to be cut short due to laziness or stupidity. Before you adopt or buy or foster an animal’s go online and research the care and maintenance of that breed of animal…DO YOUR RESEARCH FIRST! This is the first step in saving a life…thank you for reading this…I hope by sharing this more lives can be spared…
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 23:41:10 +0000

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