SAGITTARIUS NOVEMBER 22 — DECEMBER 21 CHANGE SIGN DAILY HOROSCOPE MARCH 3 — MARCH 9 WEEKLY MARCH 3 — MARCH 9 MONTHLY MARCH 3 — MARCH 9 PROFILE LOVE CHART Serious RELATIONSHIPS don’t have to be somber and weighty, Sagittarius. Yet with Venus hunkered down in hardscrabble Capricorn since last November 5, your heart’s been heavier than usual. Cupid comes to the rescue this Wednesday (better late than never!) in the form of a Venus sign change. From March 5 until April 5, the planet of amour will cruise through Aquarius and your lighthearted, flirty fifth house. What was that you were so stressed about last week? How did that two-bit player get under your skin…again? Oh, who cares! You don’t have time to waste analyzing such things. The only word you should now be uttering in situations like these is, “Next!” We’re not saying you have to kick everyone in your little black book to the curb. Some people DO need to be shifted into the “just friends” category, with their benefits packages revoked. Coupled Archers may have been so consumed with the day-to-day activities of running a relationship that romance fizzled. The next four weeks are less about balancing the household budget and more about enjoying some good, old-fashioned playtime. Field trips, road trips…anything that brings some experimental fun and a change of scenery helps you bond. An early case of spring fever strikes the single Sagittarius who could spend much of March on a mad DATING spree. Enjoy the sampler platter instead of ordering a la carte. You could tap into new types who make your heart boom with that legendary “super bass,” your signmate Nicki Minaj sang about. Someone from the friend zone could profess an attraction. As much as you enjoy the meeting of the minds and common interests, don’t cross the line with your amigo unless you are physically attracted too. Chemistry can’t be created, but it can heat up if there is a baseline spark to work with. There’s more happy news, uh, “south of the border” this week. On Friday, your ruling planet Jupiter rouses from a four-month retrograde through your eighth house of seduction, intimacy and shared resources. If Venus alone doesn’t kickstart a pre-spring awakening, Jupiter’s U-turn will certainly make you more naughty than nice—and with its worldly influence can draw admirers from all cultural backgrounds. You’ve always had a “rainbow coalition” of love interests, Sagittarius, and the next four months could bring some interesting clicks. Are you in the mood for an extreme makeover? Between now and July 16 you could drastically alter a stagnant area of life and the changes will be visible to all. This is a powerful time for earning passive income. Think: royalties, commissions, and other money made in your sleep. Wouldn’t you like to work less and make more? (Rhetorical question…duh!) Jupiter liberates you from the 9-5 grind, so use its enterprising beams to set up an affiliate sales network, create a product that brings revenue without you having to be hands-on; you might even learn about selling real estate or a network marketing product. A word to the wise: Integrity and authenticity are two musts for any Sagittarius venture. Only put your time and energy behind a business you believe in. Don’t skimp on the paperwork or overestimate your projections. You need to keep one foot planted in the reality zone if you want to knock this one out of the park. Saturday’s quarter moon in Gemini brings some much-needed balance to your partnerships too. In your enthusiasm, have you allowed the natural give and take to become lopsided? It may be necessary to draw back a bit, or to hold people accountable to pulling their weight. This also prevents pressure from building up in relationships where one person feels obligated, the other resentful. On the flip side, have you forgotten to thank one of your strong, silent supporters? Keep the goodwill flowing by sending off a gift or treating for brunch. An attitude of gratitude saves the day!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 13:43:46 +0000

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