SAHIJAN PATI SAAG benifits. Indian name: Sahijan pati saag - TopicsExpress


SAHIJAN PATI SAAG benifits. Indian name: Sahijan pati saag (Moringa oleifera) Drumstick Leaf Vegetable (Sahijan Pati Saag)benifits. DRUMSTICK (muringa maram). If you have a drumstick plant on your garden that symbolizes, you have a doctor at home. It is the best medicine for m ost of the common diseases and it is the most recommended spinach variety for all the age groups. From the bottom of the plant to the end of the plant, every part is used for many medicinal purposes. The root, stem, branches, flowers, gum on the surface of the branches, vegetable and leaves are the raw materials for many medicines. Drumstick Drumstick increases appetite It heals the wounds inside the stomach. It Helps to reduce headache and blood diarrhea. It purifies blood and excretes toxins out of the body. Drumstick should be taken twice a week to maintain better health. The quantity of nutrients in drumstick are Iron 1.5 mg, phosphorus 30 mg, protein 7g, fat 1g, calcium 8mg, carbohydrate and Vitamin A, C in one ounce of drumstick. Drumstick soup builds immunity power against joint pain, mouth ulcer, stomach ulcer, fever, and eye diseases. Nutritional values Calcium 435 Mg Phosphorus 70 Mg Iron 7 Mg Water content 76% Protein 6.7% Fat 1.6 % Minerals 2.2% Vitamin C 220 Mg B Complex less Fiber 1% Drumstick Leaves The power of reducing the sugar level in the blood is possessed by drumstick leaves. Sugar patients are recommended to take drumstick leaves with alu at least thrice a week to make the level of sugar normal in the blood. The side effects caused by tablets are efficiently prevented when a person intake drumstick leaves in their food. The swelling in hand and legs are prevented. Constipation is prevented with the help of these leaves. Hair loss, grey hair, tiredness, eye related diseases are the symptoms of body heat. These symptoms are controlled and helps to get strong and healthy hair, if drumstick leaves are added. The juice of drumstick leaves reduces body heat. Add ghee while frying the drumstick leaves and eat it without adding spices. It helps in blood circulation and improves the level of the pure blood in the body. The soup of drumstick leaves prevents asthma. Drumstick leaves dishes are the best medicine for mother’s milk secretion and good food for pregnant women. It gives major prevention and strengthens body for good baby growth. To get rid of pimples, mix drumstick leaves juice with lemon juice and apply it on the face for few minutes and then wash it off. Drumstick roots and seed The roots of the drumstick are used to cure fever, nervous weakness by grinding the roots of drumstick plant without water, take one amla size of the grinded part and mixing it with milk gives the suggested results. The branches of the drumstick leaves are squeezed and mixed with pepper soup to get relief from body pain. The juice of the drumstick roots mixed with milk are helpful in preventing back ache. Drumstick seeds strengthen the brain functions. Drumstick flower The flowers of the drumstick helps to maintain the health of heart. The flowers should be boiled and added in the diet to gives strength to the heart and its proper functions. DRUMSTICK LEAVES PURPOSES IN AYURVEDA Moringa oleifera acts as a anti spasmodic, expectorant and stimulant. Hand full of Drumstick leaves, twenty grams of barley, little amount of cumin seeds and small pinch of turmeric are boiled and throw the extracts. Drink the juice for kidney and urine related problems. The power of healing dandruff, body heat and hair loss problems are possessed in drumstick leaves by grinding it and apply on the scalp for the above diseases. It has a power of reducing anemia, if you take ten pepper with muringai keerai for fifteen days in a regular basis. Add black til with this leaves and prepare in the form of tincture. Drink the healthy drink for a week to get relief from mensis problems. People who are suffering from eye problems and eye related diseases are recommended to tie the grinder leaves of drumstick without adding water during the grinding process. Dip the broken nutmeg in morning oleifera juice and grind it after the dried process. Take two grams of powder during the night to prevent libido problems and acts as a medicine to cure the disease. Boil salt with leaves of drumstick and eat it for fifteen days to get rid of arthritis problems. Many of them have experience the uncomfortability of gas problems and searching the ayurvedic medicine. Drink the juice that has this variety of spinach, few pieces of garlic, pinch of both turmeric and salt. Lungs and respiratory related diseases are healed when licorice, pepper which are soaked in juice of this leaves. Grind the dried mixture and take small amount of this powder with honey. Mix the cumin seeds in the juice of muringai keerai and leave it for few hours. Grind the dried cumin seeds and add little amount of this powder with honey for normal blood pressure and healthy heart. Individual care Persons who are suffering form excess body heat, gas problems are advised not to take drumstick at regular intervals.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 11:28:58 +0000

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