SALONE UPDATES: WHO IS GANGING UP AGAINST PRESIDENT KOROMA? I read with keen interest the article written by my long time colleague and friend in journalism, Mohamed Sankoh alias One Drop. My simple response to Mohamed is this, nobody is ganging up against President Koroma. HIS TIME IS SIMPLY UP!! When your time is up, leave in peace and grace without any rancour. From look of things, even the Host of Heaven is against the Presidents unethical politicking and manipulation. As such, the talk of a third term or corrupt Constitutional Review has been silenced by the marauding pandemic virus, killing poor and innocent people. Like King Saul in the Bible, God is disappointed in President Koroma and another President has already being anointed in the Spirit Realm, without his knowledge or understanding. Whoever God has appointed cannot be stopped or deterred from occupying that throne, come 2018. God is looking for a man after his Heart and His people- A David that will lead Sierra Leone to ECONOMIC PROSPERITY AND SOCIAL HARMONY. We as a nation have been blessed by God with so many natural riches as well as HUMAN AND SOCIAL CAPITAL. But corrupt, ineptitude and selfish leaders have ruined and delayed our collective destiny to the promise land that flows with MILK AND HONEY. In view of the aforesaid, President Koroma as done his bit and must leave graciously without running after Gods anointed David. He will only frustrate himself and die a sorrowful death in Mount Gilboa, with his son Jonathan. The fact that God has allowed, not ordered, this Ebola plague in our country, is enough reason for us to think twice and seek His will and purpose, instead of engaging in self-seeking propaganda and scapegoating other politicians. This is a period of NATIONAL SOBERNESS as we all as a people grapple with the EBOLA PLAGUE that is not only killing us but literally isolating our country in the world. Let us stop the boot-licking articles and coasting for now. Repentance and a change of course to GODLINESS AND INTEGRITY is what we desire most in times like this. IF MY PEOPLE WHO ARE CALLED BY MY NAME WILL HUMBLE THEMSELVES AND PRAY AND SEEK MY FACE AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, THEN I WILL HEAR FROM HEAVEN, AND I WILL FORGIVE THEIR SIN AND HEAL THEIR LAND(2 CHRON.7:14) FROM EBOLA.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 19:17:06 +0000

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