SALVATION FROM KUNDALINI´S DARK SIDE This is a page which welcomes anyone who was touched by the Dark, Evil side of Kundalini, the Serpent Power. Having passed through a kundalini experience myself I believe that many others might need to share their terrible experiences as well, and mostly, the strength to feel that they can overcome the horrific situation they might still be in. If you have been through something similar and wish to share your thoughts or your fears, you are most welcome. I know that there are many people who think of kundalini as something blissful, full of light, however in this page I exclusively speak of the Dark side of the Serpent because it was through the Kundalini energy that the Devil made Hell known to me, so I ask you to respect the pain and suffering of the experiences. Any harmful, intolerant or disrespectful comments will be removed, as well as the person, in the group, to post them, because though we might not agree with different opinions or be skeptic of other´s experiences that is no excuse to be judgmental. Because one usually feels totally lost when wanting to escape such a horrifying experience, I will post some passages of a book I wrote about my experience, how I got into it, the fall into darkness and evil, the extraordinary way I was saved, and a few other pages. They are posted for anyone who wishes to read them. I had a kundalini experience a few years ago. At the time I didn´t know that I was entering a kundalini transcendental meditation group. I was told that I was just going to learn how to heal and that the meditation sessions that we were going to have would open me to an energy that came from both the earth and the sky, a Universal energy. It never occurred to me that the book the Master read called The Power of the Serpent had anything to do with the Devil, nor did I know that the Serpent I saw in different meditations would attack me and control me as viciously as it happened. At the time it all happened I questioned what I had gone through. The fact that I nearly went insane and that I entered a hell that dominated my mind and body with fears and terrors that had inexplicably intruded into my being was clear: the Devil was real, materialization of evil existed and I had lost my soul to Darkness – the opposite side of God. What was not clear was why it had happened. I truly believed I had innocently fallen into an evil cult due to my curiosity of universal spirituality. As I began the extraordinary and painful journey of recovery many of my unfolding questions were answered, and one resigned truth: I had once challenged the side of darkness stating that I didn´t believe that the devil existed, but if he did then I needed proof; that was exactly what happened, I was spiritually raped. Fortunately my spirit belongs to God, and the rape was transformed over time into a feeling of purity and innocence because God forgives all, resurrected and cleaned my soul making it feel Virgin again. I cannot explain the mystery of kundalini energy but I know it is a magnificent tool for darkness and the underground. Of course I also felt all the bliss and oneness with the universe´s conscience and many other overwhelmingly beautiful sensations, especially in the beginning. All these sensations and the passage that was open to the beyond were magical and beautiful to me. And even after the beautiful sensations began to become twisted and transformed into possession, horrendous physical pressures and diabolical thoughts, it was difficult for me to distance myself from their memories: the illusion of being welcome into what I believed was the kingdom of God had been so breathtakingly beautiful! However I realized that if I was going to escape hell and to embrace love in this world, I had to cut all this virtual reality from the roots and learn that God does not forsake my soul nor this beautiful three dimensional world to show me that He is constantly present in my life or that a universal conscience exists. One thing is certain, believing in God was my salvation from Hell and the Underground. I found God not in the overwhelming sensations and bliss that I felt through the kundalini energy in the beginning of my experience, but in the faith, strength and courage it took to resurrect from this experience. There is Salvation, that is the message I wish to impart through this page. No matter how crazy these experiences might look, or insane one might come to feel, there is a way out. Welcome, Ana Isabel
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 20:34:45 +0000

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