SALVATION, STRENGTH, GOODNESS ALL COME FROM THE LORD WHO ALONE IS ABLE TO BLESS MANKIND IN JESUS NAME!!! I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. Psalm 27:13,14 NIV This is faith! Although I see the goodness of the Lord everyday in the land of the living, I believe that theres much more to come in Jesus Name. Therefore, I will wait for the Lord to Deliver for me. I will be strong, take heart and wait upon the Lord for the manifestation of His Blessings and Promises for and upon my life and family in Jesus Name. Amen! Lord, Grant unto us the Grace to wait upon You rather than the world in Jesus Name. Amen!!! For the LORD will not cast off for ever: But though He cause grief, yet will He have compassion according to the multitude of His mercies. For He doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men. Lamentations 3:31-33 KJV The Lord can and will sometimes punish and or chastise us for wrongdoings because no one is perfect. But, because He Loves His children, He chastises us. However, He relents and does not punish us forever! God doesnt grieve us willingly or for the fun of it; Hes a good and merciful God! Father, please correct and or chastise us; but for Your Names sake and with Your Mercy and Grace in Jesus Name. Amen!!! But the salvation of the righteous is from the LORD; He is their strength in time of trouble. The LORD helps them and delivers them; He delivers them from the wicked and saves them, Because they take refuge in Him. Psalm 37:39,40 NASB The Lord is my refuge and in my family and home, He is our refuge! Father I have no other Strength besides You in times of trouble! Help, save and deliver me from the wicked and evil ones! Lord my Father, Help us to keep You as our refuge forever in Jesus Name. Amen!!! Many times he delivered them, but they were rebellious in their purposes and were brought low through their iniquity. Nevertheless, he looked upon their distress, when he heard their cry. For their sake he remembered his covenant, and relented according to the abundance of his steadfast love. Psalm 106:43-45 ESV You cry out to the Lord and He Delivers you every time; so why do you keep going back for more trouble in the troubled seas? Why do you remain in the world and dance to its tunes and follow its ways and keep coming back to the Lord to be saved? You are so steeped in rebellion; change your ways for your own and goodness sake. Father, Help us keep our hearts loyal to You and Your Words in Jesus Name. Amen!!! The chief priests picked up the coins and said, It is against the law to put this into the treasury, since it is blood money. So they decided to use the money to buy the potters field as a burial place for foreigners. That is why it has been called the Field of Blood to this day. Then what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled: They took the thirty pieces of silver, the price set on him by the people of Israel, and they used them to buy the potters field, as the Lord commanded me. Matthew 27:6-10 (NIVUK) So, clearly the chief priests knew that the money they paid Judas was blood money! Hmmmm! This world and this life! Folks, not all money is clean money. If you earn clean money, praise God; otherwise, youre in for some big time trouble as you add blood and dirty money to your account! Unclean money corrupts all your money and you cannot do much good with it ultimately! This is why the chief priests bought a field with the money for burying foreigners and called it the Field of Blood to date! Father, Help us to earn clean good money with which we can do good for our families, ourselves and others in Jesus Name. Amen!!! (15) You shall not steal. Exodus 20:15 NKJV Loud and clear; no mincing words! You shall not steal! Sadly, stealing has associated behaviours bothering on dishonesty, lying etc. and sometimes progresses into armed or other forms of robbery and even murder! If only we would obey the Word of God, how much better our lives would be. Father, Help us to take Your Word seriously to obey in Jesus Name. Amen!!! Tune in to Windows Of Heaven Radio; just click on the white hand sign to vote for it, then like it, rate it & be Blessed by it & spread it all around! Its a life-changing experience! Visit our facebook page https://facebook/windowsofheavenoutreach and like it Kindly visit/register on our website; leave prayer requests, testimonies, comments etc. & join/make use of our forum 4 all ur needs. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10150665719244856&%3Bamp%3Bset=a.70720329855.76457.723369855&%3Bamp%3Btype=1&%3Bamp%3Btheater&%3Bamp%3Bnotif_t=photo_comment Help spread the word around all over! folayanosekita Dare to be different! Go 4 d book: The Flaming Sword by Folayan Osekita @osekita bookstore.trafford/Products/SKU- 000136919/The-Flaming-Sword.aspx …;…/…/1426933665 …; scribd/doc/32311314/The-Flaming-Sword … gt a copy!!!
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 12:13:55 +0000

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