SAMPLE THE OPENING OF THE FOUR BLOOD MOONS CHAPTER: Sample the opening of this chapter that only appears at the end of the expanded edition of this book scheduled for release on the weekend of 12th of July. It covers a prophetic topic that has gained worldwide interest of late, concerning a form of lunar eclipse called a “blood moon” because of how the Earth luridly casts its partial shadow on a Full Moon night. Apparently, the rare occurrence of blood moons falling on Jewish Holy Holidays over the centuries have augured significant milestones in the history of Jews returning to the Holy Land as biblically foreseen. It has also marked the time of the Spanish Inquisition and persecution of Jews causing a great diaspora from Spain back in the 1490s and the birth of the modern Jewish State of Israel. The blood moons falling on Jewish holidays in 2014 and 2015 may mark a significant event in the troubled Middle East that will affect everyone on Earth. _______________________________________________________ APPENDIX CHAPTER FOR DONOR’S ONLY: The Blood Moon Prophecies I will show portents in the sky and on earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke; the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes. Joel (circa 450-400 b.c.e.) Book of Joel 2:30-31 The Sun will be darkened, the Moon will not give her light; the stars will come falling from the sky, the celestial powers will be shaken. Jesus Christ (c. 33 c.e.) Book of Mark 13:24-25 Then I watched as he broke the sixth seal. And there was a violent earthquake; the sun turned black as a funeral pall and the moon all read as blood; the stars in the sky fell to earth, like figs shaken down by a gale; the sky vanished, as a scroll is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place. Then the kings of the Earth, magnates and marshals, the rich and the powerful, and all men, slave or free, hid themselves in caves and mountain crags; and they called out to the mountains and the crags, ‘Fall on us and hide us from the face of the One who sits on the throne and from the vengeance of the Lamb’ [Jesus Christ].’ For the great day of their vengeance has come, and who will be able to stand? St. John of Patmos (AD 81-96 c.e.) Book of Revelation 6:12-17 The metaphor of prophecy is in the mind’s filtering eye of the beholder. A poet like Homer might project all “rosy-fingered” the dawn, a sailor would cry “take warming” at any red sky of morning. Omens are the “oh!” of men projecting alarm on innocent and natural phenomena. Their mentally touched perspective will react with fear and dread at a silver-white full Moon passing through Earth shadow turning into a round ruby of scarlet-to-reddish brown and orange hues when the bending of sunlight cast through Earth’s atmosphere reflects off the glassy dust and dirt of the Moon’s cratered surface. What I would celebrate as a ruby Moon, others will call bloody dire—a portent of ill… oh! Men, there-you-go, again! Yours truly—this John Hogue—is not John Hagee, although we are both students of prophecy. Both of us had published books interpreting prophecies about the Middle East, it’s home plate for a pitch about the final battle, Armageddon—that at least is what “the bible tells us” is so. Hagee on 8 October released his Four Blood Moons: Something is about to change while I published an expanded new edition of Nostradamus: The War with Iran—Islamic Prophecies of the Apocalypse the day before on 7 October 2013. That’s where the similarity ends. Hagee’s highly successful book fanned the fear and anticipation of a sizable American super-church audience of mostly Protestant, Pentecostal Christians ever seeking a new portent—in this case four red-blooded lunar eclipses in a row happening in 2014-2015—to begin a countdown for the End of Days. All of which climaxes to a promoted and promised Rapture of Christians seven years before Armageddon lights off the Holy Land, then Jesus and the Raptured believers descend out of the clouds in his Second Coming to rule the world for a thousand-year “Reich” of the forgiven. The New Agers had 2012 and the Mayan Calendar to anticipate and generate a highly popular book-generating industry about an age and perhaps Earth ending date, pending what happened on the Winter Solstice of 21 December 2012. It came and became the great “went” without even the silver keen of a horned fanfare from the Angel Gabriel’s horn. The year 2012 turned out to be a golden age gelding. The Christian “End Timers” had Hagee start the doomsday clock ticking “once again” in a foretelling tradition like no other. No religion has its minion of reverend prophets predicting the end of the world for this or that year, for nearly more years than all the 2,000 counted since Christ was crucified. Only among Christianity’s seers do you find such enduring faith in forecasting the end consistently wrong for two millennia with the optimism of Little Orphan Annie in her Broadway musical appearance, belting out the song “Tomorrow” albeit with this variation on the lyrics: Dooms-DAY will come out TOMORROW Bet your bottom dollar that To-MARR-row Come what maaaay Tomorrow. TOMORROW! I luv yah, Tomorrow It’s only doom’s-day awaaaay! Beware of cartoon characters will no pupils in their eyes uttering prophecies, or the blind-eyed leading the gullible over the brink of a new countdown “pitch”. _______________________________________________________ There are two ways you can send your advance donation to receive this special edition gift starting at the end of May. Option 1: Donate $12.50 or a little more on line to this link taking you to the PayPal page: hogueprophecy/support-hogueprophecy/ Be sure to put COLD WAR in the Paypal memo line or send me an email to hoguebulletin@hogueprophecy with just COLD WAR or BLOOD MOON in the subject line. No need to write anything further. IMPORTANT REMINDER: please use Gmail for best results and please do not use the following email servers at all: Century Link, Roadrunner, MSN, Internet Explorer, Cox Net, Charter, MSN, Telus, Mindspring, Earthlink, or Peoplepc. Option 2: Donate by Snail Mail: Send your email address along with a US check, US Bank Draft or US money order payable to “John Hogue” to the following address. John Hogue P.O. Box 666 Langley, WA 98260 Please print out your email address using a printer to ensure it is legible. hogueprophecy/a-new-cold-war-the-prophecies-of-nostradamus-stormberger-and-edgar-cayce/
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 00:06:23 +0000

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