SANAT KUMARA He is an ‘advanced being’ at the ninth level of - TopicsExpress


SANAT KUMARA He is an ‘advanced being’ at the ninth level of initiation who is regarded as the Lord or Regent of Earth, and humanity. He is the head of the spiritual hierarchy of Earth who dwells in Shamballah ( the sublime center of Earth), which floats on the etheric plane above the Gobi Desert. He is the founder of the Great White Brotherhood which is composed of Masters of the Ancient Wisdom. In Sanskirt, Sanat means “eternal” and Kumara means a “youth”. He has many names but on a planetary level, he is called SANATH Kumar, on cosmic level, he is called SUBRAHMANYA. On a supra Cosmic plane he is called, SANATANA. Blavatsky claimed he belonged to a group of beings, the “Lords of the Flame”, whom Christian tradition believe is Lucifer and the fallen angels. Ancient Judeo-Christian traditions identify him as Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism. He claims to come from the etheric plane of planet Venus some 18.5 million years ago, who brought 144,000 souls with them. It is said that the Seven Holy Kumars sent one of themselves to guide us. According to Elizabeth Clare Prophet, George Washington was divinely inspired by the Ascended Masters to choose city planner Pierre L’Enfant to create the city plan of Washington DC, which is a model on the city plan of Shamballa. Sanat Kumara’s symbol of authority of his office is a 2-foot-long (0.61m), 2-inch wide (51mm) MAGIC WAND called the Rod of Power made of metal orichalcum (from Atlantis), with cone-shaped diamonds on each end. He conducts his business in an enormous room in his palace called THE COUNCIL CHAMBER OF THE LORD OF THE WORLD. He has many assistants and these include THE WATCHER (also called the Silent Watcher or the GREAT SILENT WATCHER), whose function is to continually watch the akashic records (history of the Cosmos), and record daily all the information relevant to Earth and forward it to the CUSTODIAN OF THE HALL OF RECORDS. This is all then forwarded to the RECORDING ANGELS. Sounds like they have this down to a ‘SCIENCE’! Although it’s all just a counterfeit of GOD’S GOVERNMENT! Crème admits that all these deities are NORDIC ALIENS from VENUS! Crème describes regular flying saucer traffic between Venus and Shamballa and Shamballa is equipped with an astrodome as well as numerous landing pads attached to the tops or the sides of the buildings to accommodate the heavy traffic from Venus. Floating five miles above the Earth’s surface on the etheric plane, Shamballa has numerous entrances from above and below. In addition, the Venusians have cigar-shaped mother ships up to four miles long to accommodate the activity. Notice how SANAT can be twisted to spell SATAN? MAITREYA Millions of people around the world awoke to a surprising article in the newspapers on April 25, 1982. It would greet readers to a full-page ad which proclaimed, “The Christ Is Now Here.” This wasn’t just one ad…oh no! It was from Rome to Jerusalem, from New York City, to Kuwait and Los Angeles to Karachi…it more that 20 major cities across the world…readers blinked in SHOCK and disbelief as they tried to digest the “news” as they also digested their morning coffee. The $500,000 plus ad campaign featured the follwing copy: The World Has Had Enough . . .Of Hunger, Injustice, War. In Answer To Our Call For Help, As World Teacher For All Humanity, The Christ Is Now Here. How Will We Recognize Him? Look for a modern man concerned with modern problems – political, economic, and social. Since July, 1977, the Christ has been emerging as a spokesman for a group or community in a well-known modern country. He is not a religious leader, but an educator in the broadest sense of the world -pointing the way out of our present crisis. We will recognize Him by His extraordinary spiritual potency, the universality of His viewpoint, and His love for all humanity. He comes not to judge but to aid and inspire. Who Is The Christ? Throughout history, humanity’s evolution has been guided by a group of enlightened men, the Masters of Wisdom. They have remained largely in the remote desert and mountain places of earth, working mainly through their disciples who live openly in the world. This message of the Christ’s reappearance has been given primarily by such a disciple trained for his task for over 20 years. At the center of this “Spiritual Hierarchy” stands the World Teacher, LORD MAITREYA, known by Christians as the CHRIST. And as Christians await the Second Coming, so the Jews await the MESSIAH, the Buddhists the FIFTH BUDDHA, the Moslems the IMAMMAHDI, and the Hindus await KRISHNA. These are all names for the one individual. His presence in the world guarantees there will be no third World War. What Is He Saying? “My task will be to show you how to live together peacefully as brothers. This is simpler than you imagine, My friends, for it requires only the acceptance of sharing. “How can you be content with the modes within which you now live: when millions starve and die in squalor; when the rich parade their wealth before the poor; when each man is his neighbor’s enemy; when no man trusts his brother?” Allow me to show you the way forward into a simpler life where no man lacks; where no two days are alike; where the Joy of Brotherhood manifests through all men. “Take your brother’s need as the measure for your action and solve the problems of the world.” He has not as yet declared His true status, and His location is known to only a very few disciples. One of these has announced that soon the Christ will acknowledge His identity and within the next two months will speak to humanity through a worldwide television and radio broadcast. His message will be heard inwardly, telepathically, by all people in their own language. From that time, with His help, we will build a new world. Without sharing there can be no justice; Without justice there can be no peace; Without peace there can be no future. The ads went on to list four information centers strategically scattered about the globe: Amsterdam, London, New York City and North Hollywood, California. For myself, unfortunately, these ads came as no surprise. In fact they and the vast network of organizations behind them – known collectively as the New Age Movement -had been the source of a near obsession with me for all of the previous year. They should have come as little surprise to most of the Christian community either -had the all-too-numerous clues been observed. The Age of Aquarius was at last arriving and it meant nothing as far as the Judeo/Christian would was concerned. And that world well needed to be concerned. For sadly, apathy was the order of the day -an apathy that if not soon shaken would result in the New Agers’ long-awaited “New World Order.” Preceded by an incredibly sophisticated public relations campaign, including Benjamin Crème on a worldwide speaking tour. DID YOU NOTICE? The last words of the news article? A NEW WORLD ORDER. You see the Illuminati/Freemason Elite are all just subject/slaves to these entities. It’s all an agenda sent down from the Cosmos! And the end agenda?? A SUPER-RACE for the hybrid of the Antichrist to reside in. Maitreya is described as the one who will hold the Office of the World Teacher. He has presented himself to Blavatsky, and others and made appearances in different parts of the world, periodically. That is until recently. His ‘Spokeman” is Benjamin Crème. Beginning in 1975, (the same year as the crop circles began to appear), Crème reveals he began telepathically channelling Maitreya. He states that Maitreya will return to Earth earlier that the post-2025 date given to Alice A. Bailey. He wrote a book “Message from Maitreya” documenting these communications. Crème says Maitreya has no need to eat, and has no navel. He is 6 foot 3 inches tall. Share International is the key website for his information concerning his communications with Maitreya. According to Crème, Maitreya resides in London. Crème reveals that there are some 400,000 UFO bases on Earth! And according to him, the mixture of Chem-trials are not just from human invention, but are a mixture. The work involves replicating the magnetic grid for the coming technology of ‘light’…in order to ascend. The Masters, or otherwise known as the Mahatmas, in Theological literature, are the ultimate guides of the Theological Society. At this evolutionary level, there are only two other entities which are above him. One being SANAT KUMARA, being at the apex. He is referred to as the Lord of the World. Seems a lot like what the Bible describes as Satan after he’s cast out of the higher heavens by GOD. Maitreya is known as the Christ Principle, described by Blavatsky. THESE PICTURES OF “JESUS CHRIST” FROM THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ARE FRAUDS! Have you ever wondered why the Catholic Church would OUTLAW any other pictures of “Jesus Christ” than theirs! Order of the Star of the East–The Order of the Star was formed in 1911. First remember that the Bible tells us Matthew 24:27-For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Because of Scripture, Satan will do everything in his power to duplicate the coming of Jesus Christ, even by having his own counterfeit!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 08:09:44 +0000

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