SATUARDAY CLASSICS..... THE CHALLENGING TREK…….. Times have really changed. The country is developing at a very fast rate. New buildings crop up every day; new roads are constructed with new people being born. The few people who “have” are accumulating more whereas the poor are getting poorer. Accommodation is now a priority as everyone strives to stay in a beautiful crib. Ten years ago, self contained houses were not common. It was only the rich that knew and lived in a self contained WAY. The majority of us grew up knowing that the house was made of the living room, dining and bedrooms. The kitchen was separately located outside and it used to double as the store. Kitchen utensils were kept in cupboards. Ofcourse the places of convenience were also located outside, so far from the house. Therefore, atleast every home was three in one i.e main house, washrooms and the kitchen. Thanks to development. Today, everything is now compressed in one house. As already mentioned above the places of convenience were located a distance from the house. This was to avoid the bad smell from down there due lack of piped water. It was easy to use them during the day but difficult during the night. As a result, many people resorted to short cuts. THE COWARDS OF THE COUNTY would use buckets and basins as their urinals and then push them under their beds till morning. The fairly-brave would choose to leave the house but just urinate at the verandahs. That is why most verandas of many homes smelt badly with the grass around very dry. ACID! But for us the brave, we preferred walking to the loos. However, it wasn’t that easy to walk to the washrooms. Remember, most LATRINES were located at the back of the house usually in the middle of a plantation. To arrive there, one had to be so courageous and STONE hearted. Banana trees typically looked like a “man carrying a panga” in his right hand. So anyone had to first stop and watch. Then, most trees used to like “a tall man carrying a spear” ready to release it. Then tree Trunks used to look like men squatting ready to attack. In case someone was not so badly off, he or she would stop along the way and ease himself there and then while facing behind to be sure that they were safe. But in an event that someone was badly off (stomach upset), forget about being scared. It would be no retreat no surrender, Kama mbaya mbaya. The affected/ victim would hit the darkness like a NINJA without caring about whoever was waiting. I therefore came to a conclusion that many times, we get scared of the future just because there is another option. Believe me, for anyone to move forward along the CHALLENGING TREK of life, he or she has to first be squeezed against the wall.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 06:35:35 +0000

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