SATURDAY, 5TH OCTOBER DEALING WITH THE GUILT OF OLD SINS KEY SCRIPTURE: Philippians 3:13 “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before” I have many times tried to place myself in Peter’s shoes and wondered how he must have felt after denying Jesus Christ. Peter was a man with a large character, the kind of person who does things with passion and usually attracts the attention of his peers. Peter may have looked like the person who was in this ‘Faith Business’ for a long haul; he was also a man of big dreams, he had a warriors heart and was not afraid to draw his sword to chop off the ears of one of those who came to arrest Jesus. But we all know about how Peter jumped ship, and openly denied Jesus even before a young maid who questioned this tough man, and reiterated before another that he never knew the man Jesus. This episode is so graphically intense, the kind of thing that happens in one’s life and may never be forgotten as long as the man lives. There are certain sins that may easily be forgotten but others leave with you for as long as you live. If you gossip about someone it is a sin and you may walk away and even forget that it happened, but if that man eventually hears that you lambasted and gossiped about him, and confronts you with anger, it is likely that you may never forget that heated moment. Paul says I try and forget the previous matters and forge forward into a greater future. The guilt of old sins has the power to destroy your confidence, so deal with it now! The way you do it is by verbally and mentally engaging that guilt by believing and declaring that you have been forgiven and that the future can be better because of the love of our Father God who forgives and helps us to become better people. ONE YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Revelation 5,Nehemiah 7:5-8:12, Psalms 100 DAILY PRAYER GUIDE Father God, grant me the wisdom and understanding about your forgiving power and abounding love. Help me to remind myself daily that I have been forgiven of all old sins, in Jesus name. AMEN
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 08:08:56 +0000

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