SATURN - THE SHANI MAHATMA - A FRIEND OR A FOE (brief study)... Before pondering on the topic, first of all let us try to understand about.... Who is this Saturn (Shani)? What is His origin and background? Shani in Hindu astrology? Factors governed by Shani? Important days in Saturns calendar? Famous Temples of Lord Shani? Introduction.... Navagraha worship or Aaradhana is prevalent in Hindu philosophy since time immemorial followed by our elders and described in various sacred texts. Nearest example of Navagraha worship, one can find in Sri Sathyanarayana Swamy vratham one of the most popular, auspicious and highly meritorious austerities performed in Hindu religion, as it becomes a part of the ritual without which the Vratha is incomplete. In Hindu Astrology we have nine Grahas viz. Ravi (Sun), Chandra (Moon), Kuja (Mars), Budha (Mercury), Guru (Jupiter), Sukra (Venus), Shani (Saturn), Rahu and Kethu as they form the pivot around which the concept of astrology rotates. Out of these nine planets known as Navagrahas, Rahu and Kethu are referred to as shadow planets (Chaaya Grahas). In fact scientifically, Sun is a star and Moon is a Satellite but for all practical purposes in Vedic astrology they are included in the group of Navagrahas. Each Graha has a specific role and signification; they are representatives of the Primordial Supreme Lord Sri ManNarayana and are the Universe’s agents for carrying out karmas accumulated throughout our lifetimes current as well as the past. While Sun (Ravi) is known as the Graha Raja (King of Navagrahas), Shani (Shani) attains lot of significance and highest popularity among the Navagrahas. Who is this Shani? What is His origin & background? As per the Science of Astronomy, Shani known as Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in the Solar system after Jupiter. Ten times larger than Earth in Diameter, Saturn is the farthest planet from earth with a distance of about 1.2 billion km at its closest point. Saturn is known as the Roman God of Agriculture, Justice and Strength. It is the least dense planet in the solar system. It is said that one can not stand on the planet Saturn as it is mostly gaseous. Adorned with thousands of beautiful ringlets, Saturn is unique among the planets and is known as the jewel of solar system. Saturn’s rings are visible from Earth and can be seen with the help of a telescope. Saturn moves very slowly and it takes approximately 30 years to complete one orbit around the Sun. According to Numerology, number eight is governed by Saturn. Though this number entails struggles and difficulties it ensures success after great effort. As per the concept of Palmistry, middle finger is known as Saturn finger and the mount just below it is governed by Saturn. Shani is the presiding lord of Saturday known as Shanivara, the seventh day in a week. According to Hindu Puranas, Shani (Saturn) is the son of Surya the Sun God and grand son of Sage Kashyapa and Aditi. A Demi God, Shani was born to Lord Sun and Chaaya (illusory wife). Lord Yama (Yama-Dharmaraja) and Goddess Yamuna (River Goddess) are His siblings born to Surya and His wife Samjna Devi. Tapathi (River Goddess) is his sister. He is considered as the Paramatma amsa of Kurma-Avathara (Tortoise form) of Lord Vishnu. We find Lord Shani linked with several historical and pouranic characters like, Lord Ganesha, Lord Hanuman, King Dasaratha, Sage Pippalada, Nala-Damayanthi, Harischandra, Ravanasura, Vikramaditya, etc. The best reference to Lord Shani one can get is from Shani sloka which forms part of Navagraha Stothra composed by Lord & Sage Sri Vedavyasa, as follows. Neelaanjana Samaabhaasam Ravi Putram Yamaagrajam Chaayaa Maarthaanda Sambhutam ThanNamaami Sanaischaram {I bow to that Shani-God, who appears dark blue in complexion, who is the son of Surya (Ravi), elder brother of Lord Yama (God of death), born to the scorching Sun (Maarthaanda) and Chaaya the shadow.} Literally the word Shani is derived from the Sanskrit words Shanaye Kramati Sa: meaning the one who moves slowly. He is known as Sanaischara, the one who moves slowly. He is also known as Mandha meaning slow or dull. He is also known as Pangu that is lame of leg. Shani takes approximately 30 years to move round the Sun in the zodiac. As per popular belief Shani is said to have born on the New Moon day (Amaavasya) in the month of Vaisakha masam in Rohini constellation. Celestially, Lord Shani has been entrusted with the role of Dandanaadhikari, the task of dispensation of justice and punishing the evil doers. Shani has been depicted as dark in complexion, holding bow and arrows, carrying a sword, riding on an Eagle as his vehicle. Shani Stothra composed by King Dasaratha describes elaborately the symbolism of Lord Shani. Shani in Astrology... Shani is the seventh planet among the Navagrahas who is the presiding lord of Makara (Capricorn) and Kumbha (Aquarius) raasis which are incidentally 10th and 11th houses in the zodiac. Saturn (Shani) is the star lord of Pushyami, Anuradha and Uttarabhadra constellations falling in Karkataka, Vrischika and Meena raasis respectively. For those who are born under these constellations Saturn’s Dasa starts from birth. Under Vimshottari the total dasa of Saturn is for a period of 19 years. While Shani is considered as a friend of Venus, Mercury and Rahu, He is regarded as an enemy to Sun, Moon, Mars and Kethu. With Jupiter, Shani is considered as equivalent. He is a Yogakaraka planet for those born under Thula (Libra) and Vrushabha (Taurus) Lagnas (ascendants). Thula (Libra) raasi is his house of exaltation while Mesha (Aries) is considered as his house of debilitation. Saturn gains directional strength (Dighbala) when placed in the 7th house from Lagna. Saturn’s aspects (views) fall on 3rd, 7th, and 10th houses from where he is placed. Sade-Sathi, Ashtama Shani, Ardhaashtama Shani are the stages of Shani under Gochara when he will be transiting the 1st, 2nd 4th, 8th and 12th houses from one’s Moon sign. During Gochara, Saturn’s sojourn in each house would be for 2½ years, the longest tenure among the Navagrahas. Factors governed by Shani (Karakattva)... Astrologically Shani is represented as Aayush-karaka, the indicator of longevity and also as Karma-karaka the indicator of livelihood. In mundane astrology, Lord Shani represents laziness, morbidity, philosophy, spirituality, loneliness, wisdom, detachment, hard-work, underprivileged, oppressed, working class (labourers), society, democracy, justice, charity, Tamasa Guna (demonic nature), grief, obstacles, mortality etc. He governs the periods of depression, scarcity, economic failures, adverse atmospheric conditions like drought & floods, diseases, etc. Saturn rules over food grains, agriculture, engineering, metals (iron), mines (coal), blue/black colour, hills, forests, valleys, sesame seeds, Shami tree, Sisira Ruthu, Vaata tattva (windy in nature), physical disability, knees, ankles, thighs and muscles etc. Saturn will be strong during night time, Dakshinayana, and Krishna paksha (dark half) of the month and on Saturday. His direction is towards west. Above list is only indicative but not exhaustive. Important days in Saturn’s calendar... Vaisakha Bahula Amaavaasya is considered as Sanaischara Jayanthi, the day Lord Shani was born. Other days which are popular for worshiping Lord Shani are Trayodasi associated with Saturday known as Shani Trayodasi, and New Moon day associated with Saturday known as Shani Amaavaasya. Pradosham occurring on Saturday known as Shani Pradosham is considered as highly sacred time to worship Lord Shiva to bust our Karma and to ward off the evil and remove obstacles. Famous Temples of Lord Shani... In our country rarely we find temples for Navagrahas. Among the Navagrahas, Lord Shani has more number of temples across the country. Popular among them are at... Mandapally (East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh) Pavagada (Karnataka-Andhra border near Hindupur) Thirunallar (in Tamilnadu) Shani Shingnapur (Near Shirdi in Maharastra) Shani Temple (outside Kashi Viswanath Temple at Kashi) to be continued...... (please stay tuned) bhargavasarma.blogspot
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 10:46:38 +0000

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