SAVE THE RIVERS-IMPORTANT FOR ST LUCIE CO: At this weeks St Lucie County BOCC meeting, County Attorney Dan McIntyre stated that there is no local science to justify the increased or stricter fertilizer bans requested by the Commissioners and implemented in Martin and Indian River Counties. He stated that there is evidence that disputes the rational for seasonal ban on phosphorous. He commented that he has worked now through 7 drafts, but unlike Indian River County and Martin County, this county has no science to support the concerns of our neighbors north and south or the Commission. I am not sure, but science is science. There may in fact be no gravity on the moon or in space, but that does not refute gravity. Claiming there is no local science to support the concerns that highly charged nutrients are destroying local seagrasses and a seasonal ban if not an outright phosphorous ban from already phosphorous rich Florida soils would enhance and protect our estuary is drivel straight out of the Turf farmer’s handbook. Lawn grass is different from seagrass. First, seagrass is underwater and an integral part of our ecosystem and estuary. Second, Turf grass is not protected by the Florida Constitution. NO LOCAL SCIENCE? I would guess ORCA, Harbor Branch and Smithsonian might reject such a notion. So, I call upon Dr. Brian LaPoint, Grant Gilmore and Dr Edie Widder to take off the gloves and set this lawyer straight. Yes or no. Do highly charged nutrients such as phosphorous harm the seagrasses and would rainy-season run-off curtailment improve the health of the estuary? We don’t need 10,000 words to support this claim. Five words should be sufficient… “YES. Support the seasonal ban” People do not travel to Florida because our grass is so green. They certainly will not travel here to see our estuary dead and covered with algae blooms caused by excess of fertilizers. Our waters are protected under the Florida Constitution’s Article II, SECTION 7(a)stating: “Natural resources and scenic beauty: (a) It shall be the policy of the state to conserve and protect its natural resources and scenic beauty. Adequate provision shall be made by law for the abatement of air and water pollution and of excessive and unnecessary noise and for the conservation and protection of natural resources. “ Nowhere in there does it mention protecting turf grass. Our economic engine is pushed by tourism and agriculture, not lawns and weed-free yards. Remove the water and natural wonders from our equation of tourism and decide , if living where there is just sand and sun were all the rage, the deserts would be filled not Florida. It is time for the citizens of Florida to stand up to Turf Lobbyists and stop this madness. Their refusal to accept reasonable seasonal ban makes one wonder….”why do they want grass to grow and be so green?” Could it be that grass requires more maintenance and therefore increase income? Contact you St Lucie County Commissioners and demand they support the more strict fertilizer regulations to match our sister counties to the north and south. We need a full three year seasonal ban to rate sea grass and water improvements. Now, why would someone be afraid to rate a success or useful project and re-address it in three years? Demand this BOCC follow the Florida Constitution.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 18:19:07 +0000

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