SAXOPHONISTS HUMOR - How To Play The Saxophone(Part I) : First - TopicsExpress


SAXOPHONISTS HUMOR - How To Play The Saxophone(Part I) : First things first: If youre a white guy, youll need a stupid hat, the more stupid the better and preferably a beret. Sunglasses are optional, but all the really, really good players wear them, especially indoors. Youll also need some gig shirts-Hawaiians are good, but in a pinch anything with a loud floral pattern is acceptable, as are T-shirts from various jazz clubs and festivals. The good thing about the latter is that you can get them mail order so you dont have to go to all the trouble of actually seeing and hearing live music. And sandals are an absolute must, even in winter. Once youve assembled the proper attire you can begin practicing. One of the most important things about playing is being able to convey emotion to the audience. This you do through various facial expressions. The two emotions youll need to convey are (1) rapture / ecstasy and (2) soul wrenching pain and sadness (i.e., the blues). You may find it useful in the beginning to borrow a page from the method acting school. So, for example, to convey rapture, try thinking of something nice-like puppy dogs or getting a rim job from Uma Thurman while Phil Barone feeds you Armour hot dogs with truffle sauce. ____________ This article makes me never wear sunglass when playing sax HAHAHAH To convey the blues try thinking of something really appalling-like ulcerative colitis or Alec Baldwin. You should practice your facial expressions in front of a mirror at least two hours per day. You may feel a tad stupid at first, but youll never get the chicks if you dont jump around on stage like a monkey-with your face screwed up like theres a rabid wolverine devouring your pancreas. And, bottom line, getting chicks is really what musics all about.
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 09:00:00 +0000

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