☆☆☆SEASON OF LIFE☆☆☆ SCRIPTURE READING:- ECCL 3: 1-8, - TopicsExpress


☆☆☆SEASON OF LIFE☆☆☆ SCRIPTURE READING:- ECCL 3: 1-8, 2 COR. 11: 23-27 2 COR. 4: 8-9 The Artillery of Prayer has done a lot of damage to satanic walls, with a little effort many people will fly like Eagles A little more effort, solutions will come It is disastrous to lose hope & fall into despair when the wall is almost collapsing Lack of understanding in this message Am sharing has brought disasters & tragedy to many peoples lives. CONFESSION:- TO EVERY THING THERE IS A SEASON, AND A TIME TO EVERY PURPOSE UNDER THE HEAVEN: A TIME TO BE BORN, AND A TIME TO DIE; A TIME TO PLANT, AND A TIME TO PLUCK UP THAT WHICH IS PLANTED; A TIME TO KILL, AND A TIME TO HEAL; A TIME TO BREAK DOWN, AND A TIME TO BUILD UP; A TIME TO WEEP, AND A TIME TO LAUGH; A TIME TO MOURN, AND A TIME TO DANCE; A TIME TO CAST AWAY STONES, AND A TIME TO GATHER STONES TOGETHER; A TIME TO EMBRACE, AND A TIME TO REFRAIN FROM EMBRACING; A TIME TO REND, AND A TIME TO SEW; A TIME TO KEEP SILENCE, AND A TIME TO SPEAK; A TIME TO LOVE, AND A TIME TO HATE; A TIME OF WAR, AND A TIME OF PEACE. (ECCL 3: 1-8) DIFFERENT SEASON There are different seasons in d Year. In Tropical Countries like Nigeria, theres Rainy & Dry Season, while in some Advanced Countries there are 4 seasons Just as there are different seasons in a year, so also there are various & different seasons to everyones life Thats the reason U dont have to compare Urself with someone else I remember an Adage which says ALL FINGERS ARE NOT EQUAL Individuals have agendas specially designed for their lives Theres time & season for everyone under heaven The timing & d choice of how each one is to be born is completely out of d control of man Theres time to die, dis is a season, which no one can change cos DEATH IS INEVITABLE Everyone must also go through this, without an EXCEPTION, cos Were all BORN TYPES OF SEASON SOWING & REAPING:- Theres time for planting & theres time for plucking that which was planted Every farmer knows that a time of planting is different from a time of harvest We sow 1 thing or another in our daily lives, whatsoever, we sow in d shade & sunshine shall 1 day become ripe D Bible says that we shall all appear before the Judgement seat of Christ, whether Good or Bad Every man shall judged according to His/ Her works & What Weve sown, shall We Reap Many Challenges some of Us are facing now, is as a result of what weve sown in d past or dat of our Fore-father NO MANGO TREE IS EXPECTED TO BRING FORTH BANANA FRUIT May GOD help Us to Plant Good Seeds....IJMN SEASON OF DRYNESS:- Their is a time in Ones life, dat no one is available to assist U, Friends & Acquaintance may run away during moments of crisis Also der will be a time, when it may seems dat d Heaven had withdrawn its support in order to try Ur Faith Jesus Also Faced dis kind of situation. God may want to test Ur Sincerity or want to use U, as an example for other IF URE GOING THROUGH DIS KIND OF DRY SEASON, AT D MOMENT, MAY D LORD STRENGTHEN UR GRACE & DELIVER U.....IJMN SEASON OF DISAPPOINTMENT:- A woman & her family member went to welcome her Husband coming from d US, having Prepared a big Welcome Party on his Arrival, but on getting to d Airport, Dey saw d Man holding hands with a Strange Woman, coming together, Lovingly & Hugging, each other Seeing dis, his real wife fainted & developed Partial Stroke....WHY??? Becos dis woman didnt understand dat theres a season of life called DISAPPOINTMENT Thats d reason d Bible says CURSED BE A MAN THAT PUTS HIS TRUST IN MAN Disappointment could come from any Angle on Earth, be it a Christian or Non-Christian, Ur Friends & Families could disappoint U & even U, personally could disappoint Urself, due to some Earthly Benefits Disappointment from Man should Draw Us closer to GOD, becos HES FAITHFUL SEASON OF AFFLICTION & SUFFERING:- The 1st season a man could face is dis Season. Suffering means Distress, Anguish & all forms of Unpleasant Situations to Human Being The Saints whom had gone ahead of Us among is JESUS CHRIST had 1 time or d other experience their own of suffering, therefore, suffering is unavoidable The Apostle Paul wasnt an exceptional 2 COR. 11: 23- 27 As a Christian, if U want Ur Life to remain Sugary, then Ull develop SPIRITUAL DIABETES Some Believers write themselves off when passing through dis Season, but dey dont realise is for a short while & itll soon be a thing of the past Its not a Season to get upset, fight d innocent or take Ur Issues to where theres no Solution rather itll be compounded God is aware of d suffering & HE alone will definitely see U through SEASON OF MALTREATMENT & INJUSTICE:- In dis season many cry day & night saying THIS IS UNFAIRNo book in d Bible stated dat LIFE IS FAIR D whole life is unfair What fairness is it by taking JESUS & put HIM on d Cross, Despite every HE goes, HES doing Good Many suffer for dis season, because of their Faith Joseph was a Blameless man, yet He suffered from his brothers trying to kill his Vision & was imprisoned, because he refused to Lie with Potiphars wife But God in HIS Mercy & Faithfulness Catapult Him from Prison to Palace SEASON OF HATRED & REJECTION:- Some times, dont be Surprised when people hate U without Cause, it could out of Envy or Ure Rejected for Righteousness Sake Our LORD, JESUS CHRIST experience Rejection, yet HE didnt Disappoint GOD,even HIS Disciples that followed HIM for 3 & half Years were scattered Peter denied HIM, also swore that He never knew Christ, Judas Iscariot deliver Our LORD JESUS CHRIST for 30 pieces of Silver WHAT A HEIGHT OF HATRED & REJECTION FOR JESUS Moses was misunderstood, people dont understand the calling of GOD upon His Life But Ive a word for U today, there is no degree of Hatred or Rejection, U may be facing at the moment, the LORD ALMIGHTY will see U through & make U Lovable ...IJMN SEASON OF TEMPTATION:- Temptations is a common Attack, due to some challenges Were facing & not avoidable while on Earth, but As it comes, We should endeavour not to yield to it It comes in different ways & it all leads to committing of SIN to Our GOD Let Ur FAITH, be Bigger than Ur Fears SEASON OF DIVINE INTERVENTION:- There is a Season of Divine Intervention, when GOD Release HIS SUPERNATURAL POWER, to deliver the RIGHTEOUS out of all their Troubles GOD release Paul & Silas from d Prison, rather for dem to be complaining or murmuring, like many of US will do, dey were Rejoicing in d LORD Meshach, Shadrach & Abednego also Experienced GODS DIVINE INTERVENTION, Daniel & Job wasnt left, Dey All Can tell of GODS Greatness When d Season of Intervention comes, GOD moves swiftly into UR Situation, den MESSENGERS OF HEAVEN, Suddenly Appear When dis Season comes, the UNEXPECTED will start Happening in UR FAVOUR & MIRACLES will even Showcase, when UR planning to give Up, Dis Same Season, Almighty GOD will Speedily Arise & Scatter all Ur Enemies PRAYER:- I DECREE DAT GOD WILL INTERVENE IN UR SITUATION, URGENTLY & EVERY GOOD THINGS D ENEMY HAS STOLEN FROM U SHALL BE RESTORED IN 7 FOLDS U SHALL ARISE & SHINE UR POINT OF REJECTION SHALL TURNED TO ATTRACTION ALL TEMPTATIONS SHALL BE CONVERTED TO TESTIMONIES ALL SUFFERING WILL BECOME UR SUCCESS U SHALL RECEIVE DIVINE APPOINTMENT, WHERE UVE BEEN DISAPPOINTED ALL LOST SHALL TURNED TO GAIN & UR SEASON OF DRYNESS SHALL BE SPEEDILY CHANGED TO A SEASON OF PLENTY & INCREASE. .....IJMN
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 10:07:15 +0000

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