SECUNDERABAD, India (BNC) by Jim Waldron — About 10 months ago - TopicsExpress


SECUNDERABAD, India (BNC) by Jim Waldron — About 10 months ago brother Mani (pronounced Muny) Anand, who lives in south India asked if we could help with the medical care of a sister in Christ who was near death because of an attack by family members. Shortly after responding to the request for help I visited Mani. He took me to a home where other Christians were hiding her from her family. We were unable to speak with her as she was unconscious and obviously still extremely ill. We prayed and gave them some more help. All were perplexed as to what could be done. On Oct. 30, I received the following report from brother Mani. It is astonishing, yet enormously pleasing, especially to the angels in heaven. Read on, Most of you remember sister Subba Yamma who was almost killed by her husband and son. They poured an insecticide in her throat with the intention of killing her because she refused to deny Jesus as her Lord and would not quit gathering with the saints. She briefly stayed in ICU, but while she was in the hospital, her husband came there and created an ugly commotion. Thus, we moved her to a safe place to keep her away from the family. A few days ago, I saw her husband standing in front of my father’s front gate. We were on our way out and, not knowing why he had come, I was not ready to face him, but when we went to ask what he wanted, I was shocked beyond belief! He fell on my feet begging me to forgive him for everything he had done. In Indian culture, falling on one’s feet and asking forgiveness is the highest form of repentance and is considering oneself as the lowest of the lowly in front of the other person. Committing such an act in private or in front of only a few is lowering oneself to the maximum, but doing such in public is an unbelievably extreme form of repentance. On top of that, an older person would not usually fall on the feet of a younger individual. Yet this is exactly what this man did. I was extremely uncomfortable about what was happening, so we took him inside because several people were watching. He admitted that he had wanted badly to come see us for several days, but his ego and other things hindered him not to do what he did. He said that he wanted to give Christianity a chance when he fully realized the extent of the love the church had shown his wife. The church has been taking care of her since she was in the hospital and aiding her because of her unwavering faithfulness to the Lord. The husband said that he had been watching our daily TV program for many days and from that he had resolved to do what he did. In his own words (translated), he said: “I really believe with all my heart that Jesus is God! I want to go to heaven with my wife. In order for me to go to heaven and to go to where my wife will be, I need to be baptized for the remission of sins.” All of us were looking at each other’s faces in utter unbelief of what we were hearing from a man who was anti-Christian and had tried to kill his own wife just because she is a Christian. It was extremely emotional for all of us. In front of several people, he begged his wife to forgive him for everything he had done to her. When we asked about his son, he said although his son and others in his family are not pleased about this, he is not really worried about it. He kept saying that he is not worried about this life, but heaven, and that he wants to go to heaven where his wife is headed. Upon his repentance and confession, I had the great pleasure of baptizing this man into Christ for the remission of sins. We request prayers for this new brother, Gopala Rao and sister Subba Yamma. I cannot be thankful enough to God for entrusting His gospel to me. If my ministry is worth anything, this one soul is worth it all (not undermining the importance and worth of other souls). I am thankful beyond measure to be a part of this. You too have a part in this through your prayers, encouragement and support! After being baptized he asked his wife and others for forgiveness. It was emotional to say the least. Signed, Mani Anand.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 15:44:30 +0000

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